Alexandra Butler is a woman on the move and as a Makeup Artist (MUA), is a force to be reckoned. She has donned the faces from the everyday woman to being the key Makeup Artist for a major beauty brand! As many MUA’s, Alex started out at the makeup counter and now she’s adding her special touch to women like Missy Elliot, Cynthia Bailey, First Lady Aventer Gray and more. Alex has even taught her signature techniques to aspiring MUA’s to sold-out classrooms across the United States.
The journey for Alex hasn’t been all glits and glam, and even with each obstacle she’s faced she knows that her steps have been ordered by God and has prepared her for the next level in life.
Where did you grow up? What did/do you like most about your hometown?
I grew up in St. Louis, MO, specifically the Normandy area as a kid and Clayton all through high school. My mother moved us right before I went into high school to an area of St. Louis where the education system was the best in the city and the environment was diverse and affluent. I got to see what “applying yourself” looked like and it made me strive for greatness. I’m so grateful my parents saw fit to move us to an area where the families around us encouraged their kids to better themselves and apply themselves in life. Clayton High school still ranks as one of the top schools in the nation.
Tell us about your start in the industry. What hurdles did you encounter early in your career and how did you overcome them?
My start in the Makeup Artist (MUA) industry was working at the MAC counter from 2009-2012. Before then I dabbled in makeup, but it was just here and there and I wasn’t serious about it. Working at the counter encouraged me to take it more serious and to look at it as a profession. Early in my career, one of the biggest hurdles was looking at other successful professional MUAs that would come to the counter. I wanted to be in their positions working freelance and doing all the fun jobs in film/TV. I felt like I was being left behind while they did the cool jobs working with celebs and I was stuck at the counter. Little did I know, God was just preparing me for what was to come.

What was the experience like working behind the scenes of your first television show?
My first TV show was actually Vampire Diaries and I was on a Union set. I only worked a few times but it taught me a lot. Makeup Artists and Hair Stylists have unions and things are run very strict within them. So my experience was a great learning experience but it showed me that working on set of Union productions may not be for me because I love the chaos of being a freelance MUA and not knowing what my next day has in store. It was awesome seeing how things are filmed and what goes into production. My next TV opportunity was working on set of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta doing two seasons, and boy was that a totally different experience. But I’m grateful for both because they taught me things on two totally different perspectives.
I was excited to see when you announced the campaign with Black Radiance. How did that partnership come to fruition?
The power of social media! I was working on set of the Real Housewives of Atlanta in 2018 and we were filming the reunion where I did cast member Cynthia Bailey’s makeup. I used lots of different products on her and a few were Black Radiance products, so when I posted the look, I hashtagged the brand. I didn’t think anything of it, I just informed my supporters of the products I used to create this particular look.
So, within a few weeks, I received an email from their Marketing team telling me they found my post and page through my little hashtag and wanted to know if I’d be interested in applying for their 2019 campaign. I submitted some pieces of my work and they chose me to be their artist! The rest is what you are now seeing from the marketing materials, to the YouTube features, to the MUA Talks collaboration.

How different is it working on the set of a television show, than working on the set of a beauty campaign? Is there a difference?
Yes there is a huge difference. Working on set of a TV show, they have this area called video village where all the monitors are located. Usually the directors and producers sit in video village because that’s where you can instantly see what’s being shown on camera and catch all the playbacks. It’s always best to stay near the monitors in case you see something that needs to be fixed and you can jump in when they cut camera to fix it. You have to work very fast when onset of a TV show because time is money and they have a schedule to abide by.
On set of beauty campaigns, things are a little more lax because the whole shoot is based around beauty/makeup and hair. Everyone is there because of you, and their schedule is based upon your abilities. Not saying you can take your time, but everything relies on the model in front of the camera looking amazing at whatever costs. It’s still a great idea to find the monitors so you can see what the camera sees and it’s much easier to jump in and fix things versus being on set of a TV show.
Last year, you made a major announcement that you were coming in front of the camera! What was it like being a part of the Glam Masters cast last year? What lessons did you learn during while taping?
What an amazing experience that was. It was so surreal and went by so fast. I have always dreamed of being on a show and have been approached by many networks/producers about being on several shows, but those shows didn’t really want to showcase my talent. They more so wanted to dig into my personal life. When Glam Masters came around, it was a show that would give me a platform to showcase my skill and I was super excited. Besides being on a reputable network, and with the possibility of working with Kim Kardashian seed like it would be a success. The casting process was long but well worth it in the end. The tasks on the show were challenging, inspiring, exciting, and made me push my skills to the next level.
With this experience, I learned to stay true to who I was and any time the camera listened, I would be sure to “turn on” so the camera would be glued to me. From working on set of shows, I knew editing would play a major role so any chance I could get to speak positively about my culture, my educational background, my image, my idea of beauty, etc, I took it. And it really paid off because I was reflected exactly how I wanted when the show aired. I encourage anyone to apply for an opportunity like that.
With everything you have going on, how to do unwind and take care of yourself so you don’t burn out?
I have a super supportive husband who holds it down for me especially when I have to travel or am away for long hours. When I do finally get a break, I like to sleep and stay in the house, but going out to eat and going to the movies are my favorite things to do. I love a good cocktail and great food. And I love to people watch!
I love the interaction you post between you and your husband online; you look like you compliment and balance each other out very well. What role does he play in helping you out career wise? (Does he pack your kit? Does he wash your brushes? Does he travel with you?)
My husband is a true team player. We have been married for 11 years in June but have been besties since we were 18 and 19 years old, so we know each other through and through. He is a major part of my success because he supports me in everything I do. Whether it’s washing brushes, taking pics at classes, setting up, packing my kit, picking me up/taking me to the airport, staying up with me late if necessary, sending me makeup looks on Instagram, taking care of the household if I’m not home and taking good care of our doggie Baya. He also travels with me whenever possible or when I go to cool cities. He’s the best.
Who are your beauty/makeup/fashion idols?
I am still a huge fan of YouTube and literally watch makeup videos almost every night for inspiration or entertainment. I actually started on YouTube before working at the counter and before moving to Atlanta. That’s where I developed my first social media following. My fellow MUAs are my main sources of inspiration, but of course all the greats have been people I’ve looked up to. Artists like Sam Fine, Pat McGrath, Alex Box, Carmindy Bowyer and Lisa Eldridge (who I met while being a contestant on Glam Masters. She was one of my judges.) These artists have developed a sustainable career in Makeup that are career goals.
What is the chapter of your life called at the moment?
Isolation and Trusting God!!! Once I relinquished power and completely obedient to what He had for me, He took my dreams and aspirations and placed them so high in the clouds that I would’ve never asked for these types of blessings. He’s also separated me from people, places, and things that weren’t supposed to come along with me on this journey. Which was hard to comprehend, but I get it now. Besides, they always say if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. He’s always in control.
What makeup tips can you share with the ladies of the Formidable tribe?
Less is more is my mantra. Makeup is meant to enhance, not create anew.
Find the few things you would like to correct, maybe hyper pigmentation, or a crooked nose, or discoloration, and fix those things. Makeup should enhance the natural features we all have, without completely covering your entire face. Cake face makeup should be a thing of the past, let your natural skin peek through.
What makes you a formidable woman?
What stands out when I hear formidable is the word, POWERFUL. I believe as a woman, I am strong, smart, intelligent, caring, funny, creative and POWERFUL! There’s power in knowing who you are as a woman because there’s no question or doubt when adversities come your way. As I get older and realize that God just wants us to be who He has made us to be as good people, it makes me feel powerful and proud to be this great person God created. Like a superhero! I can do anything.
Why did you decide to teach makeup artists what you’d learned throughout the years? When did you decide to take your classes on the road? Are you still teaching classes?
As a former Industrial Engineer, the urge to always understand the “why” behind things is what created a passion in me with everything I did. So as I learned about makeup, I always asked the question “why” so I could better understand things. While working at the counter and displaying techniques to customers, I realized the way I explained was really beneficial to those who listened to my explanations. After building a small following from social media and while working at the counter and not being pleased with the current job situation, I saw a need for a class that explained the “shy” behind makeup application. I decided to reach out to my followers to ask them what cities I should visit. I developed a syllabus of how I apply makeup step by step, and I took my show on the road. This was in 2012 and I taught every year through the end of 2017. I’m currently not teaching large classes for several reasons, but I still offer personal lessons to those who inquire. And that includes everyday women wanting to learn how to do their own makeup and MUAs wanting to be mentored.
We’re going to put some positive vibes in the atmosphere; who would you love to have in your chair next?
I would love to work with Oprah or Michelle Obama. I feel they are amazingly strong women who share a similar aesthetic in beauty that I tend to portray on clients. They have a major voice and with a major voice, the perfect look is necessary. I feel I could enhance their already beautiful faces in a way that would wow their socks off and give them a new perspective of makeup.
For the aspiring artists reading Formidable Woman, what advice would you give them?
My best advice is to save your money and to stick to your own journey. Save your money because your first couple years will be an investment into your business in the form of purchasing makeup, materials, equipment, classes, business expenses etc. And sticking to your own journey is super important so you aren’t comparing your path with someone else’s. You don’t know what prayers people pray, or shoes people fill to accomplish the things they accomplish. And you may not be willing to do the things they had to do to get where they are. Stay true to yourself and trust God.
Do you feel like your life and career are coming full circle now?
Absolutely!!! And that comes with age and understanding that I am not really in control. And I can tend to be controlling. Relinquishing that control and trusting God has been the biggest lesson I’ve learned in my career and in life. My faith has been unwavering and makes life a lot easier by just letting things happen as they may. Tithing also helps with that…
What do you do for fun?
If I’ve had my rest and am not exhausted of sleep deprived, I have been known as “THE GOOD TIME”. All of my friends know, when I’m around it’s about to be laughs all day long! I love physical activities (and am a true jock/tomboy-I played basketball from 1st grade to my junior year of college) like kick ball, skiing, bowling or laser tag. I love to go out to eat and drink, especially a good brunch. Going to the movies is one of my favorite things to do and it’s a part of my self-care routine, so I go solo sometimes during the day during the week. I love pedicures, manicures, massages, facials, live music, walking the Beltline, shopping, festivals… I love vacationing and am looking forward to a trip with my husband to Greece and Paris this September
How can people find you on social media?
You can find me on Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter as @themuaalex. On Facebook, Alexandra Butler Makeup Artistry and on YouTube as AlexandraBond. Of course my website, is www.themuaalex.com.