Portia Collins has a heart for studying and teaching God’s Word. She is dedicated to teaching women to see themselves as God sees them, as they are Biblically defined and created. She founded her ministry, She Shall Be Called, to do just that. Portia is also a featured Co-Author of the book, His Testimonies My Heritage, which features inspiring devotionals from women of color as they expound on the Word of God. It is her hope that her life is seen as a testament of a true believer in Christ and an inspiration to those who strive every day to become more Christlike and centered in His Word.
FWM: Portia, it’s my pleasure to interview for this issue! Please introduce yourself and your ministry.
PC: My name is Portia Collins and I am the founder of She Shall Be Called, a ministry dedicated to helping Christian women understand womanhood through Biblically defined standards.
FWM: How long have you been in ministry?
PC: I founded She Shall Be Called in 2016, but I honestly believe that ministry begins the moment we become followers of Christ.
FWM: Has there been many obstacles for you as a woman in ministry?
PC: I think the biggest obstacle as a woman in ministry is the spiritual battle. Ephesians 6:12 states, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (ESV). I have learned that while situations may appear to be physically or naturally problematic, it is not. It’s a spiritual war, and every day that I commit to ministry is another day that I must suit up with the whole armor of God.
FWM: What keeps you motivated?
PC: Christ. I often think about the life of Christ: His example, His suffering, His sinlessness. I am reminded that Jesus knows my struggle. He knows everything that I am experiencing and He sympathizes with all of it, but He carried on in perfect obedience. I know that I’ll never match His perfection, but it is my sincere desire that my life will be marked by Christlikeness.
FWM: What keeps you spiritually grounded?
PC: The Word of God. I literally meditate on the Word of God day and night. I know this may sound crazy, but I can’t trust myself. I can’t trust my actions, or my finite way of thinking. But I can 100% trust the Word of God. It’s the litmus test, for me. When I am anxious, I ask myself “What does God’s Word say?” When I am angry, again, I turn to His Word. In every facet of life, I am seeking God for the answers and I know those answers are found in Scripture.
FWM: How is your ministry impacting women and your community?
PC: This is a question that I often ponder on… You know, it is no easy task to measure the impact of one’s ministry. Some would look at the number of people you’ve touched. Others would look at the number of people who are currently engaged/actively participating. Ultimately, I’d like to think that the only way to truly measure the impact of your ministry is by assessing it according to God’s standards. We much look at the fruit of the ministry. Are women growing in grace, godliness, and the knowledge of Jesus Christ? Are women maturing spiritually? Are women taking what they are learning and pouring it out with other women? These are the kinds of questions I ask. And honestly, I don’t have a clear-cut answer. But the aforementioned are certainly things that I desire to see happen in the lives of everyone who comes into contact with me and She Shall Be Called. These are the things that I pray for… and ultimately, I hope that I will truly see the impact and fruit of this ministry on the day when Jesus Christ returns.
FWM: What is your favorite Bible verse?
PC: Philippians 1:6 – “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

FWM: What advice would you give your younger self?
PC: “Let that man go!” LOL!!!!! No seriously, I spent a lot of time pining away in bad relationships and chasing after the things of this world. I was looking for someone and something other than Jesus Christ to validate me. I sought to find my worth through a relationship, career, social status, etc. I wish that I had used that time more wisely. I wish that I had intentionally poured my life out for Christ during my younger years. I know that God can redeem even the worst of situations, and He has undoubtedly done that with my life, but I can’t help but think how much more I could have lived for Jesus and used that time for His Glory.
FWM: What is coming up in 2020 for Portia Collins?
PC: Whew! I’m still trying to make it through 2019. Honey, today’s troubles are enough (Matthew 6:34). LOL! I literally take my days as they come and humbly submit my plans to God. Right now, that includes continuing my education (in January I will be starting my second semester at Southeaster Baptist Theological Seminary). Also, continuing to hone my skills in my vocation as a nonprofit organizational management professional. And of course, being the keeper of the home, a helper to my husband, and mommy to my tenacious toddler.
FWM: How can our readers connect with you outside of this interview?
PC: Social media, of course! Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and on Instagram @portiawcollins! You can also visit my website at www.portiacollins.com or you can check out She Shall Be Called at www.sheshallbecalled.com.
Excellent Christian testimony and biblical advice, congratulations Portia Weeks Collins, stay with God.