FWM: Introduce yourself and your business.
I’m Bishop Tyear Wilson McCrary. I own Madame CEO Inc, a small business advisory, profitability and coaching firm. I help people tap into their vision and imagination, then monetize their skills and develop them into a six or seven figure business.
FWM: Why did you start Madame CEO?
I was a Pastor for seventeen and a half years. In serving people, I recognized that the message of Christ was being preached, but an explanation of the Kingdom and our position in it was not. I saw that a lot of people had faith but no money; they had vision, but no support. Or, they had talent, but not a strategic plan. When I first wanted to start my business, I recognized that I had the potential to be successful, but no one would give me a structured plan. Nobody was willing to show me what to do. So, I had to just figure things out on my own. I promised that once I got to a position where I could help others, I’d teach them what I wish someone had taught me.
FWM: Describe your journey to success.
As a Bishop, and especially a Black woman, I was pigeon holed. People thought I was only capable of one thing: preaching. They asked me why I left a flourishing ministry to become a consultant when I hadn’t operated a business in almost twenty years. But what they didn’t understand is before I began to pastor, I operated a millinery company and became the first African American women’s hats designer to have a collection in Nordstrom’s. So when I launched my consulting business, people still told me I was crazy.
They said my prices were too high. But because I’d owned a successful business before, I had what it took to make it. I just needed to update my approach. So, I researched other brands to see how marketing methods changed over the years. And when I launched, I came out of the gate confident and on fire. I knew the value I would bring and had a clear understanding of what I had to offer. And I delivered it. The people and the organizations who benefited from my services far outweighed the voices who said my dream was impossible.
Read more about Madame CEO in the FWM April print edition!