Randi Sloane grew up in the borough of Queens, New York. She discovered her love for acting when she was a little girl. Sloane and her sister would perform shows for friends and family. Later, she became a Private Eye Detective and it seamlessly moved her into acting.

FWM: You were a Private Eye. How did this lead you to become an Actor?
Becoming a Private Eye wasn’t really in my life plan. I admired people who were able to skillfully ascertain information by being creative (ah! Acting!), pretending to be another character in order to get the job done (Ah! Acting!) and always be prepared to improv if there is a chance of getting caught (ah! Acting!).
I first found a love for it during my teenage years when I was asked to find out if a friend’s boyfriend was cheating on her. I thought, sure, this is easy- follow him but DON’T GET CAUGHT! Also to have a good story if he sees you. My “Detective” work quickly caught on to others and I was “hired” by friends of friends (No money to pay me? Get me a pack of cigarettes or get me into that bar where your brother works.) As you can see, acting can be parallel to being a Private Eye.
FWM: Who inspires you?
People that inspire me are the 2 main women in my life. I am inspired by my Mom. She is the most selfless, giving, loving human I will ever know. To know RoRo is to love her endlessly. My sister is another strong female in my life who has been through so much but always manages to remain standing. She never gives up and has taught me more than she knows. I am inspired as an Artist by women I have never met but are pure Icons to me like Carol Burnett, Bea Arthur, and Lucille Ball. They are not only funny, but they each had (have) a unique way of holding onto their audiences. Whether it was playing outspoken characters, goofy characters or having a 7-decade career on film, television, and Broadway. They have each inspired me to let it go and get creative, Make a fool of yourself, laugh on camera… It’s okay.
Raising 2 daughters in today’s world makes me stand with women who are empowered. They need to see that we have a voice, we can make a stand, and we can lead. My older daughter just became President of her Business Club and she shows amazing leadership skills. My younger daughter plays athletics. She has always played with boys and I have always encouraged her that girls’ abilities can be equal to boys’ abilities. This is 2019, we are in a different world of equality and it begins at home.
FWM: What was your first film?
I will never forget my first film. It was a lead in a short film called, “CONVENIENCE.” I will be grateful until my last breath to Anna Quinlan for casting me as a neurotic, ex-beauty queen whose wealthy husband decides to leave me with nothing, but a $10 bill. So, off I go to a convenience store where I meet a blue collar worker who after being straightforward with me, shows me what’s really important in life. Shout out to the talented Kevin Moccia for being the best scene partner and, having more acting experience than I had, lending me some solid secrets and offering encouragement.
FWM: What would people be surprised to know about you?
I think people would be surprised to know that I have a keen sense of knowing if a person’s intentions are true. I can meet somebody for the first time and instantly know if they are true or not. Maybe it comes from my life as a Private Eye and having my instincts guide me through so many cases.
FWM: What have been your favorite roles?
My favorite roles are definitely something in the law enforcement field. I never tire of it and I feel it’s my strongest characters to play. With my investigative experience, I truly believe it helps. There’s a certain air you give off, your body language in particular and the tone in your voice commands attention. I’ve played so many detective roles, I sometimes leave a set thinking I am one. Until the prop master comes running after me, awkwardly asking for the fake gun and badge back.
FWM: What has been your most challenging role?
I think one of my most challenging roles to date has been playing a mother in an Indie Film who loses her son overseas while he was on a Peace Corps mission. I remembered I was more concerned with working on my craft as a grieving mother, not worrying so much about the lines. I concentrated on every moment, every breath I took, and how I related to my husband in the film. The heartbreak and grief had to be apparent in my eyes, but also I needed to find the strength to carry on as I had 2 other children in the film. Having children it killed me to even think about, but I wanted to take this on as every Actor seeks challenging roles to help them grow as an Artist. I truly felt it.
My recent films this past year have been a Mom who has to inform her daughter that her “father” isn’t her biological father. It is a film playing the mother of a special needs child who bullies a girl at school as well as producing several amazing films.
I also produced and starred in my own film, “THE DELLA MORTE SISTERS.”This is a very special project as it took almost 8 months from start to finish. It isn’t every day we make our own films so I wanted this project to have a phenomenal crew and a talented cast. It is currently in post-production. I also had a guest star role in a riveting series on Amazon Prime called BRONX:SIU where I play a no-nonsense Detective.
Instagram – @randeeactor27
Twitter – @RandeeSloane
Facebook – Randi Sloane Actress
Website – www.randisloaneactor.com