Anne Scottlin is an emotional wellness expert who strategizes one-to-one with corporate executives and entrepreneurs to support resilient leadership, balanced work-life integration, and joy. She also is a frequent guest on radio, television, and podcasts and appears at personal development events and retreats. Her best-selling book, Live for Joy, is a full-color experience supporting personal empowerment and building a sustainable lifestyle of joy.
FWM: You are a specialist in emotional well-being. Share your background.
While other kids were listening to pop music, watching TV or going to movies and Disneyland, I was wearing long dresses and learning how to grow food. I was the product of a counter-cultural religious family and grew up in a remote rural environment. I was homeschooled until I was fifteen and sheltered from fiction, movies, television and most of the arts. It was a lonely existence for a natural extrovert. The upside of my childhood was that I fell in love with nature, with being creative, and ultimately… with people.
After growing up in such an insular environment, it was challenging adjusting to the real world after attending a tiny high school and being a dorm student in a small college. In just a few years I found myself depressed and anxious, in physical and emotional breakdown, and divorced.
I really needed to find my joy. After working as an actress in Hollywood for ten years, I realized that even living out a dream does not guarantee joy. That began a personal journey of several years of exploration into self-image and emotional wellbeing. In order to further expand my understanding of self-actualization, I studied the science of emotional wellbeing. I also worked with western personal development teachers and studied eastern wisdom.
I discovered that joy was not dependent on how much money you make or any religious formulas. I have met more joyful human beings growing watermelons in Morocco or herding goats in Turkey than many of the faces I see in corporate America. Joy is the birthright of every human being, and through my studies, research, and personal journey, I discovered easy steps to apply to everyday life that opened the door to more joy in life.
I wanted to bring joy to the personal and professional lives of others. I’d always been a teacher, trainer, and coach in various capacities and decided it was time to take it to the next level professionally. I trained at the College of Executive Coaching in Santa Barbara, CA, as I prepared to launch my corporate and individual emotional wellness education programs. These programs evolved to include other emotional wellness professionals, which led me to create The Power of Joy Institute.

Now I’ve been working in the industries of personal empowerment and emotional wellbeing for over a decade. I help people start celebrating life again! I teach them how to infuse their life and work with joy and resilience, and how to practice a healthy mental lifestyle.
FWM: You founded The Power of Joy Institute. What is it and what kind of programs does it offer?
The Power of Joy Institute is a growing global collaboration of emotional wellness professionals offering collaborative education, corporate training programs, and individual coaching and mentoring. The Institute teaches professionals, university students, and others how to infuse their life and work with motivation, emotional wellbeing, and joy. The Institute also includes several of my original programs, including The Power of Joy Transformation.
The Power of Joy Transformation is a 6-week virtual series where I teach a system of practical strategies that create a sustainable mind-shift through small, achievable steps. Some self-help theories teach mental compartmentalization as the road to resilience… which can sometimes work short-term. But I prefer addressing the whole human—acknowledging that our personal and professional selves are one and that resiliency is part of a healthy mental lifestyle. In The Power of Joy Transformation, I teach simple processes and techniques that can be easily adapted for corporate leaders and students alike.

FWM: You provide people with tools to help them transform negative stress into useful energy that drives their success. You also provide them with a Joyful Community! What makes that so special?
Graduates of my sessions and programs become part of my Joyful Community, a network of people supporting each other, celebrating life, learning and growing together, building lasting friendships. The Power of Joy institute offers virtual events, live events, and retreats to our graduate community to help them continue to bond and grow personally and professionally.
FWM: Tell us about your book, Live for Joy.
My best-selling Amazon book, Live For Joy, is an experience. I wanted to write a personal empowerment book that would give you written and visual food for thought even if you only had two minutes! I combined original quotes from my work and programs opposite full color artwork and photography for an immersive experience that brings the lessons home in an enhanced way. Live for Joy brings you inspiration and motivation in twelve themed chapters over 280 pages. It is a beautiful book, and many people keep it on the bedside table, coffee table, or desk for a quick pick-me-up as they practice building a sustainable lifestyle of joy.

FWM: Tell us about your podcast that is changing lives.
#ScottlinTalks is your weekly dose of positivity and joy with a focus on real-world advice and actionable tips on how to bring more joy into your everyday life. Topics include – work-life integration, creativity, confidence, stress management, and more! Watch or listen to #ScottlinTalks is on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and your other favorite platforms.
FWM: What inspires you?
Nature inspires me more than anything else. I also love hiking, great food, and all animals… but especially dogs. I have three adopted Mini Schnauzers, who make my cup of joy overflow. I am inspired by people who make the world a better place despite the odds or their own challenging backgrounds. I am especially inspired when I see university students and young professionals adopt the joyful practices and tools I teach into their daily lives and share it with others. This fills me with happiness and hope for the future.
FWM: Share your goals and projects for the upcoming months.
In recent months I have begun to work the retreat circuit again, including offering my own retreats. Working in person with groups is a special thrill after being restricted to only virtual work during COVID. And although I work primarily with groups, I am reopening my schedule to work with a few select, individual clients. One-to-one coaching has always been one of my greatest joys, and I love being my client’s greatest fan and supporter. I am a frequent guest on radio, television, and podcasts to share my unusual life journey and my Principles of Joy. I speak at personal development events and retreats. I will be releasing a new book again next year, so stay tuned!