Cara Alwill Leyba—Bestselling Author, Master Life Coach and a woman whose journey to change not only her life, but eventually the lives of millions of women began with a glass of champagne. Cara reaches a multitude of women through her bestselling books and weekly podcast, “Style Your Mind.” Cara illustrates how we can live our best lives.

FWM: Cara, it’s so wonderful to interview you for our magazine. Introduce yourself and your business.
CAL: I’m Cara, and I’m a best-selling author, master life coach, and I am obsessed with women on the edge of change. Eleven years ago, I went through my own transformation which was inspired by a glass of champagne, and life has never been the same. Since then, I’ve made it my mission to teach women that when we evolve into our best selves, we show other women they deserve to do the same. I have now written 8 books, have a podcast with over 5 million listeners worldwide, coach women, and host high-vibe events.
FWM: Why did you start The Champagne Diet blog?
CAL: In 2008, I found myself at a crossroads. I was in a soul-sucking job, in an unhealthy relationship, and I was putting myself, my health, and my happiness on the back burner. After a friend suggested I incorporate champagne as a part of a healthy eating plan, my world changed forever. The moment I held a glass of champagne in my hand for the first time, I realized I wanted my life to be as effervescent, glamorous, and sparkling as that glass of bubbly.
But I had some work to do. I embarked on a total lifestyle overhaul. It took a lot of inner work, but eventually I quite literally re-created my entire life. I escaped that toxic relationship, began treating my body better by eating beautiful, whole foods, re-programmed my mind with positive thoughts, and started pursuing my passion, which was writing. I began a blog that I called The Champagne Diet – a tongue-in-cheek title – where I’d document my “champagne metamorphosis.” I wrote about my personal struggles, celebrations, and offered advice to women who wanted to change their lives, as well.
That blog eventually turned into 8 books, a podcast, and my private life coaching practice.
FWM: What advice would you give women in regards to claiming their power in today’s society?
CAL: Don’t wait for permission to feel powerful. We are all capable of incredible things, and when we wait for approval to get out there and make things happen, we give our power away. Figure out what you want to do, and anoint yourself worthy of doing it. You are more powerful, beautiful, and stronger than you think. Stop looking for your confidence in the approval of others.