Chin Simpson, founder of Skin Poem, has had a creative mind since she was a young girl. She would brainstorm business ideas with her father, based on trinkets she collected. For example, she wanted to start a sticker business and a notebook business at an early age. However, she never thought opening her own business would be a possibility.
Chin grew up in a conservative Filipino-Chinese household where women weren’t encouraged to have ambitious careers; they were supposed to stay home and take care of the kids. Chin didn’t mind this ideal growing up because she grew up learning the value of being domesticated. And she was able to spend so much valuable time with her mother. This way of life was all Chin knew, so opening her own business never crossed her mind. But when an opportunity presented itself, Chin took a chance and started Skin Poem, a skin care brand with the purpose of wanting customers to heal, shine, and be themselves.
Chin was inspired to start Skin Poem when a very common skin disease affected someone close to her. Chin’s younger brother had psoriasis, and when it would flare up, he experienced intense pain. Chin was with her brother during one of his bad outbreaks and saw his skin drying out, cracking, and peeling off. The psoriasis covered his entire body and Chin couldn’t stand to see him hurting. He was in Vancouver during the height of the pandemic, which made it difficult to seek medical care: doctors’ first priorities were battling COVID, not psoriasis. Her brother could not fly back to the Philippines to see his doctor, so he had to brave through the pain during his trip; he was finally able to fly home in August 2021. This incident inspired Chin to start her skincare business to support people battling similar skin conditions. She believes that care and healing for skin conditions should be more accessible. Unlike your typical skincare brand, Skin Poem aims to impact its customers mentally and physically.
Skin Poem is founded on the desire to make sure users feel the good intention the company has for them. The company has carefully collaborated with a lab that works closely with dermatologists and a chemist with years of experience in active ingredients in skin care. With their help and guidance, Chin developed formulas and products to help in creating a healthy and moisturized environment for the skin. The two creams in the shop are specifically for dry, sensitive skin, as she believes that a lot of people (including herself) experience dryness, inflammation, and redness in the skin from time to time. Skin Poem believes that “good skin isn’t the perfect kind. It’s the one that’s been healed from the hurt” ( Its products target a realistic customer who knows that their skin should be loved and embraced.

Each product includes a poem with positive affirmations that correlate with the product’s intention. Chin genuinely hopes these poems will ignite true healing within her customers. Her idea to associate the brand with poetry comes from a lifelong interest she’s had in writing. Whenever Chin feels happy, sad, or just overwhelmed with emotions, she writes. She enjoys creating poems and journal entries, and when designing her company, she thought to merge the concepts together. She hopes the messages on the back of the products will elevate customer’s experience. “If you feel the emotions and if you accept these words, I feel like it’s going to be part of the whole healing process,” continued Chin. “I felt like my brother went through that with his skin. He got positive affirmations from us, and I think it helped maintain his sanity.” Skin Poem currently has four existing products available for purchase: a soap, a mists, and two different creams. Chin says the products were created to be used daily. She wanted something that could be easily incorporated into everyday routines– and the poems will empower you daily. “That was the whole concept, just having a nice poem, sort of affirmation in every product that makes you want to pick it up, read it, and carry it with you throughout the day,” explained Chin. “Every time you pause, or take a break, or take time to spray the mist on your face, you get to read it and are reminded of that affirmation.” As the new year begins, Chin plans to focus on skincare and advancing Skin Poem. Instead of working on multiple projects at once, she’s decided to give her all to her brand and her customers. Chin’s confidence about her products, and her family and friends’ positive feedback are leading her towards success. Chin’s brother loves Skin Poem and can see results on his skin and feel it in his attitude. This one-of-a-kind skincare brand is a huge step forward for mental wellness in the beauty industry.