My goal has always been to create real change while positively impacting an audience that has been historically ignored and underserved.
FWM: We’re so happy to catch up with you! Please… Introduce yourself to our audience.
As a seasoned professional in the field of business modeling and development, [I say], “Happy March, Formidable Women!” I’m Daniela-Gabrielle Smallwood, the brains behind the BDE (Big Deal Energy) movement – and the go-to Growth Marketing executive for corporations looking to create a big impact or get noticed in a big way— the mastermind behind getting businesses to grow like crazy! I’m the secret weapon organizations call on when they need exponential profitability in new or existing markets. As a growth leader, I specialize in aiding organizations to achieve impactful results. My expertise is guiding businesses to generate sustainable financial growth while creating positive and meaningful outcomes for society and the environment.
Currently, I’m leading growth marketing for a hospitality company specializing in contract dining services for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). In my role, I spearhead the development of new restaurants, food halls, student engagement programming, and community initiatives that have advanced some of the country’s most esteemed institutions. My goal has always been to create real change while positively impacting an audience that has been historically ignored and underserved.
My life’s mission is to produce leaders of change, revolutionize economic ecosystems, and use business to resolve economic crises and disparity. I’m the author of eighteen personal and professional development books, with a two-book series called BDE (Big Deal Energy) on the horizon.
FWM: What circumstances led you to Big Deal Energy?
Here’s the truth, I’ve always been a big deal, carrying a commanding presence that lights up every space I grace. While it happens naturally, there has always been an inner struggle to commit to unleashing that greatness in the world. Throughout my life, I’ve had to war with myself to “be” what I already was, a Big Deal! As I enter new phase of my life, I decided that it was time to become one with my greatness. In this season, I’m unapologetically a big deal and I’m not afraid to show it.
FWM: How did you decide to make it your own?
Big is in my DNA. I always go BIG! No matter what area of my life, I default to BIG.
I dream big.
I do things big.
I have big vision.
I believe for big things.
And I can I see BIG on other people.
Big is an innate part of my DNA. I came out of the womb with big deal energy. Then I realized that wasn’t the only person struggling with this commanding presence and massive energy. Once I discovered I was not alone, I wanted to empower others to find their BDE and then use it responsibly. I wanted this mantra to be relevant, edgy and massive just like the energy we carry, and BDE embodies that.

FWM: What has been your greatest challenge in your industry? Why?
My greatest challenge was understanding that my massive BDE was not made for a singular industry or singular vocation. I’ve had the opportunity to work across matrix organizations in a myriad of industries and capacities that influence how I now lead my life and career. While many choose life in silos, my life’s mission is executed in my corporate and philanthropic work. When I came to my current company, I merged entertainment, media, social justice, personal development, and pop culture together to create a meaningful experience that transforms the lives of our next generation. I didn’t shy away from leveraging my twenty-five years of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship to advance our sector.
Over the years I had to become comfortable with how Daniela-Gabrielle flows. I’m an inclusive being. I thrive when I can bring all of myself to the spaces I inhabit. No matter where you encounter me, you’re met with the same BDE and leave a more profitable and impactful human or organization.
Questions about people involved
FWM: Who else has helped you evolve into the person you are today?
It’s hard to pinpoint my success to just one person. God is the anchor to the woman I have evolved in, but I have also had an amazing tribe of leaders, mentors, colleagues, friends, and business besties that add value to my life. As for all this BDE that the world gets to experience, I credit that to my dear friend LaVonya Jones who saw my greatness and wasn’t afraid to call it out. For over a decade she called me a big deal before I accepted it as truth. I will be forever grateful for her steady voice reminding me of the DNA God so wondrously place in me.
FWM: Can you share a time that forces were working against you? How did you overcome the challenge?
With BDE comes great power. When you are unaware of your greatness it makes you vulnerable. Before I recognized the commanding presence on my life, others did. Instead of supporting me in finding my purpose and unleashing my greatness, many used my energy for their own profit and gain. I believed that I was only capable of doing great things for others. I couldn’t imagine being BIG on my own even though BIG was always calling. After a lifetime of control and abuse, I struggled to embrace my power. I was afraid of my power because I had seen similar power misused.
First, I had to give my BDE a voice. It started with admitting that I had a purpose and assignment that far exceeded where I was. Then, I had to get clear on how I was created to unleash my BDE in the world. I had to do some inner healing, therapy, personal development, and executive coaching to redefine my future. Once I did, the world opened to me in ways I had once only imagined.
Questions about Daniela’s expertise

FWM: What sets you apart and makes you/ your gift truly special?
I am a cusp in every sense. I sit at the intersection of creativity and analytical thinking. I sit at the intersection of two generations. I sit at the intersection of technology and innovation. I sit at the intersection of profit and impact. I sit at the intersection of the church and the marketplace. Most importantly, I sit at the intersection of BDE and humility. With great power comes great responsibility. I have mastered the responsibility of authority while maintaining humility. I’m able to rally and mobilize people behind vision because I value humanity first. Two things CAN be true. I can be BIG and humble. I can be powerful and meek. I can be a big deal while inspiring other to be big too.
FWM: How can others work with you?
There are three ways to unleash BDE in your life or organization. I host international retreats, one-day Big Deal encounters, and am available for keynote and seminar speaking engagements. Bookmark my virtual business card at