Dr. Dionne Greaves is a Global Empowerment Keynote Speaker, Business Elevation Strategist, and Entrepreneurship Transition Coach who specializes in helping high-achieving professional women make the BIG LEAP from full-time employment to entrepreneurship with confidence and a game plan! She achieves this through her Strategic 3G Framework which helps her clients to transform their passions into thriving new businesses using their own knowledge, skills, and expertise.
Dr. Greaves is the Creative Founder of The Mompreneur CEO which is the flagship of her coaching, mentorship, and entrepreneurial pursuits. She is the visionary host of HerStory Virtual LIVE Summit, Empower Her Conference, The Mompreneur CEO Awards Gala, Glow Global Luxurious Island Retreat, and the Global Entrepreneur Honoree Gala. She is the Founder of The BIG LEAP Entrepreneurship Academy and the Executive Producer/TV Host of The Mompreneur CEO Show which airs exclusively on the Women Win Network and is accessible to a global audience of over 100 million homes.
FWM: You help high-achieving professional women make the Big Leap from full-time employment to entrepreneurship with confidence and a game plan. Share your background.
I am a self-retired corporate professional with more than 15 years’ experience in administration and I am also a certified event planner. In 2020, God showed me a MEGA-nificent vision for my life. He showed me travelling the world, speaking on stages and empowering thousands of women. I had no idea how this was going to manifest but then I met a coach in the online space whom God used to reveal my gift of launching and growing businesses to me. I decided to share my gift by mentoring other women who were interested in becoming full time entrepreneurs by teaching them how to monetize their existing knowledge, skills and expertise and launching profitable businesses.
FWM: Explain your signature statement “Change your narrative and you will live your best life.”
A narrative is a story or account of events and experiences. I believe that we are all born with a default narrative that generally shapes the course of our lives. When we look at our default narrative and realize that it is not in alignment with the person that we desire to be, we have the power to change it. As we change that narrative, we are choosing to live our best lives. If you don’t like the narrative, rewrite the story!

FWM: Tell us about The Mompreneur CEO.
The Mompreneur CEO was built to make a difference in the lives of women similar to myself who are brilliantly handling the great responsibilities of being both a mom and an entrepreneur. It is a challenging combination, and that is indeed an understatement…LOL, but I’ve discovered that Mompreneurs have needs in several areas that I am able to cater to because of the unique blend of skills I have acquired over the years, as a retired corporate professional, in business and in parenting to empower women beyond the point of having hopes, dreams and side-hustles to living their best lives as true Mompreneur CEOs themselves.
“Success is only as good as the people you are privileged to empower along the way!” Dr. Dionne Greaves”
FWM: You are the #1 Global Empowerment Speaker. Who empowers you?
Firstly, I am empowered by God and the vision for my life that He gave me. I am also deeply empowered by husband and my son who are one of the biggest reasons I am able to show up as The Mompreneur CEO. I am also greatly empowered by my sister-friend and strategic business partner Dr. Nakita Davis – she has helped me to make significant strides in my business this past year and I am eternally grateful to her. Seeing my clients and collaborative partners win provides a great deal of empowerment for me because to me, it doesn’t matter who wins or how they are winning. All that matters is that we all win!

FWM: You are the Vice President of Jesus, Coffee and Prayer Christian Publishing House LLC and Women Win Network. What can we find?
Jesus Coffee and Prayer Christian Publishing House LLC and Women Win Network are both owned and operated by Dr. Nakita Davis.
Jesus Coffee and Prayer provided award-winning publishing services paired with robust Public Relations & Marketing Campaigns for high-achieving women of faith. We help clients to live out their dreams of becoming a number one bestseller by using innovative methods of communication to reach advertisement, improve relationships with key stakeholders and achieve noteworthy success by leveraging high visibility in the media.
Women Win Network celebrates women who win 365 via our Television Network and Global Digital Magazine publication. Women Win also hosts Exclusive VIP Experiences specifically designed for women who are looking to grow and scale their businesses.
FWM: Tell us about The Mompreneur CEO Show.
The Mompreneur CEO Show was created to highlight the success stories of mompreneurs all across the globe. It was birthed out of the realization that there are many moms with amazing and inspiring stories of entrepreneurship who deserve to have their stories told and I was more than excited about the opportunity to make it happen. Our featured guests are primarily moms although, we have also featured female guest experts who are not yet moms but are all inspiring and unique. The show is exclusively powered by the Women Win Network which is accessible to over 100 million homes across the globe via Roku and Amazon Fire TV. To date, the show has completed two amazing seasons, and we are now preparing for season three production. Yes, I am always actively looking for guests and applications can be submitted via our website www.dionnegreaves.com.
FWM: What has been your greatest joy throughout your successful career?
My greatest joy throughout my successful career is being able to positively impact the lives of others and being a catalyst of change for the life that they desire. I have been privileged to help women rekindle their dreams and bring them into the fullness of reality while watching these women who were once invisible step into the God-given spotlight with authenticity, boldness and confidence.
Follow Dr. Dionne Greaves on IG: @themompreneurceo or visit www.dionnegreaves.com for more information.