Dionne Griffin McGee affectionately known as DG McGee is a Leadership Speaker, Author Coach and Consultant. She’s a transformation leader, a change agent, and the author of the new book Finding Your ROAR! It came about when God disrupted everything in her life so He could get her undivided attention to do what she was called to do.

(Photos: In God’s Image Photography)
Finding Your ROAR! is a synopsis of her life as an African-American woman climbing the corporate ladder who encountered diversity and inclusion challenges. She ultimately launched her own business to become a speaker, coach, and consultant. As Dionne puts it, “This book is about me but it was written for you!”
FWM: What prompted you to start your own business?
During more than 20 years of corporate life, including more than a decade in the corporate suite, I learned very powerful – and painful – lessons. I experienced betrayal despite my talents, and I knew I was not alone. I felt God calling me to coach other women on their journey to claiming their power. As lions, we don’t deny our nature, we only run with those who are like-minded and strong enough to roar when we encounter injustice. With our skills and talents, we stand to gain so much more from the world than from corporate America. Sometimes we just need to be pushed out of our comfort zones, and I wanted to be that catalyst!
FWM: How would you describe your journey?
It has been bumpy – and not at all what I thought it would be. My view of success now, and what I thought success was 15 years ago, is totally different.
I was speaking within my industry, but felt God calling me to do something bigger. I realized that instead of being a leader in someone else’s organization, God called me to start my own business, (DG McGee Enterprises) doing what I love, inspiring other women to leave the lion’s’ den, ready to rule the jungle!
FWM: What is your super power?
My super power is to motivate, empower and inspire others to find their true authentic voices – be it from the stage, from coaching or from my entrepreneur leadership training programs. If you never remember my name, my prayer is that you remember HIS name!
FWM: What would the seasoned you tell the younger YOU?
Trust the process. To understand and know that through Christ it will all work out in spite of what we plan. As a certified project manager, this was a big challenge for me! I plan everything! God making me an author – never! This must be somebody else’s list!

FWM: What tools have you put in place to help women? And why women?
In 2013, my daughter and I launched our women’s’ jewelry brand Banging Bangles. The goal was to make a statement with our wrists with Christian values and to motivate, empower and coach others to become entrepreneurs. As a result of my coaching the team has grown to 40+ distributors across the country. That led to DG McGee Enterprises where I speak, consult, and personally coach women between the ages of 40 and 60 who want to find their roar!
I love to work with women specifically, because I am a woman and I know the challenges personally. I also know intimately how we sacrifice ourselves for others – and when we do, everyone loses.
FWM: How can our readers connect with you outside of this interview?
I can be reached at www.DGMcGee.com
Facebook: DGMcGeeMotivates
Twitter: @DGMcGeeMotivate
YouTube: DG McGee Motivates
www. BangingBangles.com
Instagram: BangingBangles
Facebook: BangingBangles
Twitter: BangingBangles
Finding Your ROAR is available via Amazon.com. You can visit my website to download a complimentary copy of Chapter 1.
If you’d like to have DG speak at your next event please visit https://www.dgmcgee.com/book-me/