Formidable Woman Magazine’s “POWER 20” Online Magazine spotlights 20 accomplished women making extraordinary strides in their industries. These women inspire the next woman to be bold, to unapologetic, to be great!

We live in a world that is hyper-connected technologically, but progressively disconnected emotionally, interpersonally and spiritually
FWM: Who is Kim and what is your superpower?
My superpower is bringing the world together through human connection. I’m a mom, wife, daughter, sister, artist and jewelry designer. In my spare time, I run a nonprofit organization and charitable foundation devoted to starting an empathy revolution. I want the world to remember “the human connection”.
As we are overloaded with technology in all areas of our life, I have founded Empathy Empire, to bring us back to the joy of connecting with each other as human beings. We live in a world that is hyper-connected technologically, but progressively disconnected emotionally, interpersonally and spiritually. I see my work as a wakeup call to bridge the abyss, to explore, honour and reawaken our shared humanity and interconnectivity.
FWM: How can women who want to do what you do gain access and support?
Please go to my website, www.kimsmiley.com, for all ways that you can connect with me and/or support my business or organization. You can also find me on Facebook and Instagram @kimsmiley.
FWM: You’re a serious BOSS! Tell us, what are you working on and what’s next for you?
In the next few months, I will be opening a flagship store in midtown Toronto. By day it will be a jewelry store. After hours, an Empathy Academy, teaching everyone from 3-year olds to Fortune 500 CEOs the value of human connectivity.
Kim smiley a name of recognition. Kim has great foresight great insight and a great character