Formidable Woman Magazine’s “POWER 20” Online Magazine spotlights 20 accomplished women making extraordinary strides in their industries. These women inspire the next woman to be bold, to unapologetic, to be great!

FWM: Who is Lillian and what is your superpower?
LC: What others used to dub “too sensitive” is truly my super power. Because I am in touch with my intuition and am extremely empathetic — I pick up on others’ feelings and emotions on an extraordinarily deep level. My empathy and sensitivity is what allows me to connect with clients in a very unique way. Many if not most of the women that I work with say that I am able to see things for them that they never would have imagined for themselves. To me, this is a creative and Spiritual gift: taking one thing, seeing possibilities — physical and non-physical — and then coaching a client to get on board with a possibility. The magic of my work is a combination of traditional personal styling and intuitive ability. I’m really proud of it and I’m really thankful that I get to do it.
FWM: How can women who want to do what you do gain access and support?
LC: I am very much self-taught, self-funded, self-motivated! Everything I’ve done thus far has been trial and error (like lots of error, let’s be honest!) I’d say make sure that you are casting a wide net in terms of clientele. Have a way to reach as many women as you possibly can in many different social circles. Without a wide clientele base, it’s tough! There are business coaches that teach women how to do what I do though! As far as support, definitely having a group of entrepreneur or entrepreneur-minded friends has saved me. Even if my girlfriends don’t do “what I do,” I draw tremendous wisdom from their experiences as solopreneurs and for that I am grateful.
FWM: You’re a serious BOSS! Tell us, what are you working on and what’s next for you?
LC: Well, thank you! I am always grateful to be my own boss and recognize that I’m really fortunate to get to work on my own, in my own way. Over the past year I’ve been working to integrate my mindfulness workshop company (founded in 2018) with my Styling business (founded in 2011.)
I realized that I was kind of “saving” the mindfulness/woo woo Spiritual part of myself for the workshops — separate from Styling — when what I really wanted to do was integrate energy healing, mindfulness and Spirituality into my Styling business. One day it hit me: Wardrobes & Wisdom for Modern Women. Inner wisdom really does dictate the approach we take to our outer appearance (wardrobe.) In January of this year I developed several offerings for women to enroll in that covers both inside and outside development.
I’ve recently relaunched an improved online course, switched my business to be virtual and re-designed my website to house all of these lovely packages and resources. In coming months I’ll continue to create content that helps women transform physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.