Formidable Woman Magazine’s “POWER 20” Online Magazine spotlights 20 accomplished women making extraordinary strides in their industries. These women inspire the next woman to be bold, to unapologetic, to be great!

FWM: Who is Nedra and what is your superpower?
I am a multifaceted, authentic, compassionate, and creative force committed to excellence in all I endeavor to achieve. I am loyal, studious, and passionately striving to live in and on purpose. I’ve finally understood my purpose doesn’t change but how it’s manifested in the seasons of life may be different. No matter the season, I fully understand I’ve been created to activate and unleash dormant dreams by teaching others how to release their inherent strategic excellence.
When something is inherent, no one gives it to you, you are innately gifted with it from birth. It took me shedding layers of low self-confidence, achieving things I thought were out of my reach, and ultimately owning my truth to realize my greatness. In past years, I would have never owned my truth, and boldly declared the excellence that I have intentionally cultivated. It has influenced others to awaken what has been lying dormant and hindering them from showing up boldly in their purpose.
My superpower is the ability to speak life to others and cause their aspirations to be ignited. When a person has lost hope, it can produce doubt, fear, and an inability to move forward. I know intimately what it feels like to be stuck and see no way out. As a coach, mentor, speaker, and author, I have the amazing honor to inspire hope, ignite passions and help women rewrite their futures.
I’m extremely privileged and humbled to share in a small part of their life’s journey. Partnering with extraordinary women is one of my greatest joys. I’ve been distinctly honored to speak life to dead dreams and watch them come alive.
FWM: How can women who want to do what you do gain access and support?
Women who desire to empower, inspire, ignite, and lift others often draw individuals by the passion and conviction of their message. I firmly believe being uniquely who you were created allows your message to be heard by those it was intended to reach. What do I mean? When a person shows up as their authentic self, what emanates from them whether in speech or action will attract those with a connection to what’s being expressed.
Nowhere in my wildest dreams could anyone have told me that I would have been blessed to travel internationally empowering, inspiring, and encouraging women
This is one of the reasons it is of the utmost importance to always be genuine. Desiring to be someone else makes one an inferior duplication of an original; therefore, being unique is essential to your life’s personal significance. I’ve learned being authentic is the key to gaining access. When you are authentic, there is no dispute as to who you are and what you represent.
Gaining access and support starts with just being genuine. People will either connect with you or not. Please know it’s ok. Don’t be discouraged when you are not received. Either way, as long as you are being your true self, don’t change to fit what you believe is acceptable. I believe in divine connections.
I’ve had the tremendous opportunity to partner with some amazing women that have provided tremendous insight, wisdom, and shared their knowledge freely. Conversely, there are other women I’ve paid to gain access to their expertise. Both are essential and helped shaped who I am today. Please know when you are genuine people can see it, sense it, and are open to you. Gaining access and support can be as simple as asking for advice, connecting to free teaching content, or securing their professional services. No matter which method you choose always remain uniquely you. No one arrives in their purpose alone—everyone needs someone!
FWM: You’re a serious BOSS! Tell us, what are you working on and what’s next for you?
I’m incredibly excited to join forces with four amazing women as we launch an international mentoring program for young ladies in Cambodia. It’s set to launch on August 1, 2020. I have traveled with the same organization to Cambodia for the past four years. Nowhere in my wildest dreams could anyone have told me that I would have been blessed to travel internationally empowering, inspiring, and encouraging women. I was asked by the CEO and Founder of the organization to create the mentoring program.
For several months, I have worked diligently fine-tuning the program, identifying qualified mentors, hosting mentor orientation sessions while maintaining the numerous details it has taken to birth the program. This entire concept was honestly never on my list of dreams. However, mind-blowing things happens when your inherent strategic excellence is stirred and unleashed! When restraints are removed, boundaries are surpassed.
When you step through the door of possibilities and dormant dreams come alive, the sky and beyond becomes where you dwell.The mentoring program is designed to bridge the gap in learning, growth, and stretch their capabilities. The program is entitled—Maximizing Excellence. Many of these young ladies have been rescued from the sex trafficking industry and other varying life challenges. They are finding their way to wholeness and realizing their life’s purpose.
The program’s name speaks to the essence of every young lady within the program as excellence is inherent within them. When something is maximized, the efforts are focused to increase, strengthen, and bring about greatest results possible. The core of this mentoring program is structured to maximize excellence, ignite confidence, and cultivate leaders that will live and walk in purpose.
About Nedra
Nedra is a catalyst that ignites transformation as a speaker, certified professional life coach, mentor, author and is CEO of Hope Fulfilled Empowerment. In these capacities her sole purpose, is to inspire hope, ignite passions and rewrite futures which is why Hope Fulfilled Empowerment exists. Enabling others to discover, unleash and walk in their inherent excellence, is her ultimate joy.
As a sought after speaker, coach and mentor, Nedra has travelled nationally and internationally inspiring women to reflect, realign and realize their future is within their reach. Nedra has been honored with numerous awards and recognized for her excellence in her field. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Leadership and Administration and a Master of Science in Psychology.