Formidable Woman Magazine’s “POWER 20” Online Magazine spotlights 20 accomplished women making extraordinary strides in their industries. These women inspire the next woman to be bold, to be unapologetic, to be great!

FWM: Who is Servola and what is your superpower?
I am a wife, mom, and a grandma (Gigi). I would have to say one of my most favorite things to do is spending time with my family. Growing up overseas allowed my family and I to develop a strong bond. I have come to appreciate and cherish our family village. My inner circle would say I am a tough, but very loving person. I enjoy traveling, sightseeing, reading an interesting book and trying out a good recipe or two. My latest hobby is gardening. I only grow what we will eat. I have lost a few crops, but over all I really enjoy it.
I am a visionary who sees and seizes opportunities to make a signification impact in others lives. I love helping people find and fulfill their purpose. I believe that we all exist for a reason and have a responsibility to discover and fulfill our why. My superpower is resilience. Life isn’t easy and I have experienced several opportunities to excel. Through every opportunity I have developed a knack for bouncing back stronger than ever. I believe that resiliency comes through a desire to succeed by seeing others succeed.
FWM: What has been the greatest challenge in your industry and how have you overcome it?
There are two great challenges I face within the industries I work within change and being a African American woman business owner. One of the greatest challenges for the learning and development industry is change. With the changes brought on by technology, namely AI, I continue to keep an open mind and growth mindset. Instead of resisting change, I welcome change and seek ways to use creativity and innovation to navigate change. For example, during the pandemic my team and I redirected of focus to individual training solutions as corporation sought to reduced training funding and freeze development opportunities. Our flexible training model allows us to train virtually, as well as, in person bringing the training directly to the individual who still needs to develop their communication, leadership, cultural engagement, and performance skills.
One the greatest challenges for me as a woman entrepreneur is found in the statistics which show that though women entrepreneurs own over 41% of business across the globe their gross revenue is less than 25% and where African American women entrepreneurs make the least. To bridge this gap, I have done three things. First, created training and development solutions for small to mid-sized business to strengthen the traditional areas of weaknesses that cause businesses to struggle and ultimately close their doors. Secondly, I have launched an affordable membership group, Empowher Biz Circle, to help women entrepreneurs strengthen their business mindset, brand, and cashflow. Thirdly, as a business owner I leverage the wisdom of my mentors who help me navigate the highs and lows of business. Giving me the wisdom and insight I need to grow a thriving business.
FWM: You’re a serious BOSS! Tell us, what are you working on and what’s next for you?
There are a few things that I am currently excited about. The release of my new Motivate Entrepreneur Planner on Amazon Sep 15th. This planner is a game changer for entrepreneurs. We can finally stop having to configure planners to meet our needs. As this planner covers what every entrepreneur needs to gain and maintain their focus, goals, and actions in order to reach their success. The upcoming release of my latest book Smile. Smile is a discusses the thought or belief that when we find our purpose in life we instinctively smile. This smile is generated from the inside out and is perhaps the most authentic expression we share. Finally, the opening (this fall) of my first brick & mortar Success Center an incubation center for emerging entrepreneurs and small business owners.
About Servola
Servola Frazier is a business strategist, author, coach, keynote speaker, and entrepreneur. She is the CEO of Motivate Enterprises, LLC, Motivate Training Solutions, Creator of Motivate Positive Products, Founder of Women CAMP, and Business Empowerment Strategist of Empowher Biz Circle. She has been featured in news outlets across the state of Florida. Servola has written several books and training programs including Fearless: Discovering the Power to Overcome Life’s Challenges, Smile (Fall 2020), Communication Matters, Total Life Makeover and more.
Servola is consistently sought after to speak to women entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, and foreign dignitaries. Recently, she has been submerging herself in empowering women entrepreneur by providing them simplified systematic approaches to pivot and continue to grow a thriving business in a crisis. Servola has longed to create a training center to support emerging small businesses which is why she is launching her first Success Center in partnership the Faith Life Outreach Christian Kathedral (FLOCK) this fall 2020.
Coach Servola’s contact information:
Training Solutions:
Facebook: coachservola
Instagram: servola_frazier
Email: servola@motivatepurpose.com