FWM recently caught up with celebrity journalist Gracia Collins Rich. She is a Historian, scholar, author, journalist and editor. Her debut thriller, Handkerchief, reached #1 on Amazon’s Bestseller’s list in September 2020. On the daily basis, she inspires and educates over 2K followers on her Instagram platform @historywithher on American History by sharing it through her collection of mostly historical nonfiction books centered around 18 th -19 th century United States. As a historian, Gracia believes that we have to know and understand the past before we can truly change the future.
Gracia has been featured on IHearThatGirl.com, SwagHer.com, Sheenmagazine.com, Glambitous! Magazine, Courageous Woman Magazine and MizCEO Magazine. Gracia is from Rains, South Carolina. She is the mother of four wonderful adult children, and grandmother to Zoe Grace, as well as a Civil Litigation and Criminal Defense Paralegal.
I feel that life makes us all formidable women, whether we are prepared or not.
Gracia Collins Rich
FWM: Tell us about yourself!
GCR: I am Gracia Collins Rich. I am a wearer of many hats -Historian, scholar, author editor, journalist, and paralegal. I am also a mother of four and a grandmother. I am a from Rains, South Carolina. Rains is one of those small, one red light towns in Marion County, truth is, there’s only a caution light. LOL. Anyone who has ever visited Myrtle Beach, South Carolina has sped through my hometown. I’m a woman who is devoted to using my talents to assist individuals and my community in becoming informed, empowered, and edified through literacy and historical education.
FWM: What makes you a formidable woman?
GCR: Life. I feel that life makes us all formidable women, whether we are prepared or not. I have had the fortune of overcoming several life experiences. I say fortune, because although many of those experiences were painful, they have made me the woman I am today. It is a great truth that our misfortunes often develop a character and strength in us that we didn’t know was there. It is these traits that allow us to move forward with a boldness and confidence in life. I also personally believe that we are the strength of our ancestors manifested. I am very grateful to all the women who have come before me.

FWM: Please tell us about your latest endeavor.
GCR: HistoryWithHer is my newest endeavor. It combines both my love of US History and books. The mission of the HistoryWithHer brand is to share true, all-inclusive US History with all who are willing to listen and want to learn. This effort stemmed from the start of my second Instagram platform around three years ago. I am an avid reader of Historical Nonfiction, and I began posting books from my personal library with small reviews and historical context. To my surprise, people were interested. This led to discussing history and books on IG Lives and offering recommendations on various topics. My niche is 18th-19th Century US History. I love to read about it and share what I know, especially when it comes to minority and marginalized people, founding documents, and the American legal system. I also visit historic sites and share them with my audience.
HIstoryWithHer offers resources and recommendations for people who are interested in true American History, not a watered down, or excessively biased version as we have been known to get. I find that this is incredibly important as we see books being banned and history being rewritten and/or erased every day. I am a true believer that nothing can be accomplished in this Country without first acknowledging and then accepting all that it is. Every part. The excellence as well as the extreme horror and violence that has been a cornerstone of its existence. All issues that we are experiencing in this time have been experienced before. History is cyclical. That is why I believe we must start at the beginning. There lies the root of the problem. True American History provides those roots.

FWM: What would you like to share with others coming behind you—Especially minority and marginalized populations? What have you overcome?
GCR: I want everyone to realize that their story is important, and YOU are what makes it so. No matter who you are or where you come from, we all have a story to tell and there is someone who is waiting to hear it. As a writer, I have had the opportunity to express my feelings on many different topics and platforms and you can do the same in whatever medium you choose. We not only make history, we ARE history. Be sure to find a way to capture your life, be it in words, music or pictures-anything that leaves your thoughts for others. The world will be interested!
The hardest thing I’ve had to overcome has been MYSELF. I know that may have been unexpected, but I have always had to fight myself. Most of us have that inner voice that tells us that we aren’t good enough, or we can’t do it. Or when we do accomplish anything it screams IMPOSTER! I listened to that voice way too many times. I’m a recovering self-sabotager. There have been several times that I was on the cusp of doing something phenomenal and I threw it all away because that inner voice told me it would fail. I have a piece of advice for you, NEVER let that voice overrule your good sense. Know who you are, Know what you can do and have confidence in yourself. You CAN do it!
FWM: What’s next for you?
GCR: At this time, I am working on creating a diverse, all-inclusive history curriculum that can be used alone or as a supplement to current US History courses. I am also working on my first historical nonfiction book. You can also find me at www.historywithher.com and @historywithher on all social media platforms.