FWM: When did your love for the Arts begin?
My love for art and design formed when I was just a kid. I always found myself drawn to art, creating and fashion design. I think most humans are creative and find creativity an innate part of themselves. As I’ve gotten older I’ve developed my love of creativity into a worldwide platform to support other creatives.
FWM: Tell about your journey.
I’ve always been a creative entrepreneurial person, but my first love was fashion design. I started designing at a young age and moved to Los Angeles from a small town in Northern California when I was eighteen. I started my clothing line a year later and began trying to market it directly to consumers. It was difficult and I didn’t feel like there was an approachable entity to set up shop for my target market. I decided to start my platform for fashion designers, musicians, and artists in 2005. After it organically took off, I worked in the corporate space for a while and started a creative events businesses.
FWM: You are the CEO & Founder of RAW Artists. When did you launch your company?
In 2009, I wrapped all my experience into RAW Artists (www.RAWartists.com) which over the past decade has grown into the world’s largest arts organization. We showcase independent film, fashion, music, visual art, performing art, hair & makeup artists, accessories, photography, handmade crafters and technology artists.
FWM: How has art changed your life?
I feel like art changes my life regularly. I think most humans living today are all inspired and/or evoked by creative arts. Whether it’s a book, a song, a film, etc. I think all of the art I consume has helped mold me into the person I am.
FWM: Share a pivotal moment in your career.
I have had many important moments, but there has never been a single moment that has ever 100% changed everything and made me “successful”.
“I decided to start my platform for fashion designers, musicians, and artists in 2005. After it organically took off, I worked in the corporate space for a while and started a creative events businesses.”
FWM: Who inspires you?
Beyonce. Oprah. Barak Obama. Steve Jobs. Albert Einstein and my mom.

FWM: Tell us about your new book, “The Work of Art.” A No-Nonsense Field Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs. Why did you decide to write this book?
I’ve worked with artists for almost two decades. Being a creative person myself that has built a business from nothing, I have often learned the business side of things the hard way. I felt it was time and necessary to share what I’ve learned so that others might not make the same mistakes. I cover everything from personal branding, mental health, working through noise/haters and “how to deal” when you reach your higher levels of success.
FWM: What challenges have you faced?
I’m constantly challenged. The challenges are constantly changing, so in fact, I’ll say that’s the biggest challenge. Ha! Just when you think you’ve overcome one level/hurdle the bar is raised. Knowing that’s the case and sustaining regardless is a challenge in itself.
FWM: What are your goals for RAW Artists?
I’d like to see RAW grow to more countries and be able to tap into creative communities around the world.
The Work of Art on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Work-Art-No-Nonsense-Creative-Entrepreneurs-ebook/dp/B07VTM5CHT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=B5Y3OLB1UXFZ&keywords=the+work+of+art+heidi+luerra&qid=1569966519&sprefix=the+work+of+art+hei%2Caps%2C195&sr=8-1