The purpose of this interview is to delve into and explore natural beauty remedies. We recently caught up with natural herb specialist Cirita Thedford to provide valuable insights on the topic to our Formidable Woman Beauty Gazette readers! Let’s get to it!
FWBG: Can you share a brief overview of your experience and/or expertise in natural herb cultivation and remedies?
CT: My journey with natural herbs and remedies began 23 years ago. I have always questioned the “norm” and I have always had a mind to pave my own way. I was raised to think practically, and to analyze facts as they are presented. Being raised within a military family, we frequented the doctor’s office. I have an autoimmune disorder, vitiligo, and I remember as a small child telling the doctors to allow God to finish what he started. In time, I changed from brown skin to white skin. As a young adult, I struggled with accepting someone “practicing medicine” on me, and for years I researched what it means and entails. To my surprise there was more than meets the eye and I wanted in! If anyone was going to be practicing medicine on me, it was going to be me!
There are so many benefits to being in control of how your herbs are cultivated, from pesticides to organic.
–Cirita Thedford
FWBG: What inspired you to pursue in natural herb cultivation and remedies?
CT: Herbs and remedies came alive when I started a family of my own. I have 3 children and all experienced asthma and bronchitis as babies and toddlers. I began giving them honey from a local supplier every day. It took a few years to get rid of, but none of my children experience any of those symptoms today. One day bronchial issues stopped giving them problems and never came back. Since that time, I have educated myself in daily health routines and recipes that I live by for maintenance; and medicines that I grow and make myself.
FWBG: How do you define natural remedies and their role in beauty?
CT: Natural remedies are medicinal products derived from the active ingredients of plants. These herbal extracts play a major role in beauty and cosmetics, adding properties such as antiseptic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory benefits to hair, skin, and nails. Herbs are used in a variety of beauty products that range from lotions and oils to foundation and perfumes. Natural remedies result in fewer side effects, and work with the body, helping to treat and to moisturize.
Herb Cultivation and Selection
FWBG: Which herbs do you consider essential for beauty and skincare purposes?
CT: A few of my favorite herbs for beauty and skincare are hibiscus, chamomile, basil, calendula, peppermint, neetle leaf, rosemary, lemon balm, cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric.
FWBG: Are there specific growing techniques or conditions that are important for cultivating high-quality herbs?
CT: Absolutely! A loose, rich, organic soil is essential for an organic garden. Organic gardening means to garden with materials derived directly from plants, minerals, and animals, without the use of fossil fuels. The pesticides used do not contain harsh chemicals. For gardeners who do not prefer organic gardening, they should be sure to dig large holes and use loose dirt. Using loose dirt allows the roots to grow and move through the soil. Herbs do well with fertilizer for an abundant yield.

Herb Benefits and Application
FWBG: Could you discuss some popular herbs and their beauty benefits?
CT: Cinnamon is filled with antioxidants that can produce a glowing complexion. Some research says that cinnamon may help support blood sugar control, protect against heart disease, and reduce inflammation. Adding cinnamon to drinks or a facial mask can help to get rid of pimples and resists the spread of acne causing bacteria.
Turmeric, Curcumin, is full of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that calm and cause natural glowing skin. Turmeric also helps to heal wounds by decreasing oxidation and decreases wrinkles.
Chamomile is known to cause glowing skin and remove dark spots on the skin. Chamomile tea can be used to heal sunburn and under-eye dark circles.
Calendula is used to provide firmness and hydration to skin and treat dermatitis. Calendula can also be used to treat acne scars.
FWBG: Can you share any specific recipes or applications using natural herbs for various beauty concerns?
CT: One of the easiest ways to make an astringent is to place rose petals in water. Roses are high in vitamin C, which makes rose water moisturizing.
Mint is an effective way to treat the bacteria that causes acne. Mint can be used as an astringent, in lotions, ointment, make up removal, and soaps. Mint can also be used to treat bug bites and skin irritations, including cleansing and tightening skin, and oil reduction.
Turmeric can be added to oils. I specifically use this in my daily routine. Known for its healing properties, turmeric is good for your hair, skin and oral hygiene. I make my own toothpaste using turmeric, coconut oil, and cloves. This recipe does not disappoint and is a natural teeth whitener! I also use turmeric in my all-natural hair grease and skin moisturizer. The great thing about herbs, you can add them to your existing regimen!
Aloe can be used directly on hair and skin. Cut and use! Aloe is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, keeping skin hydrated and perky. Aloe contains enzymes that repair dead skin cells on the scalp, improving hair growth. Aloe is known for its antibacterial, antiseptic, and antiviral properties. You can also apply to the skin for sunburn and ingest for even more benefits!
Healthy skin reflects what you feed your body from outside to inside. Healing herbs are just a few that you can incorporate into your daily routine to benefit the exterior and interior of your body. A little goes a long way!
Safety and Precautions
FWBG: What precautions should individuals take when using natural remedies?

CT: Please contact your medical provider if you are taking traditional medicine. This is important and I am always reminding people of this. Herbal medications and supplements may interact harmfully with over-the-counter medicines you may be taking. Always start with the safest and most gentle herbs with lower doses. Stronger herbs and higher doses increase the chances of side effects.
FWBG: Are there any potential interactions or contraindications with certain herbs and medications?
CT: Yes. Blood thinners can negatively interact with many foods and herbs. Sedative herbs interacting with psych medications and pain medications should also get the advice from a physician. Always educate yourself, watch for side effects, work with a professional, and be on alert for allergic reactions. In addition, there are herbs that should not be mixed. Mixing heavy metals can cause liver and kidney damage. Be sure to educate yourself on which herbs not to mix as well as which herbs not to mix with traditional medicine. A physician should be informed if the person needs surgery or is taking hormonal contraceptives. All things require balance. Always watch for any imbalance and do not just observe, ACT!
Future Trends and Advice
FWBG: What trends do you see emerging in the field of natural remedies for beauty?
CT: Many of the population have begun growing their own vegetables and herbs. The trend has really begun making a name for itself as growers have been seen getting started with a pot and dirt. People are taking control of what is being accepted into our homes. There are so many benefits to being in control of how your herbs are cultivated, from pesticides to organic.
Growers have been spotted using their scraps for composting, fertilizer, cleaning products, toothpaste, mouth wash, lotion, hair moisturizer, skin care products, the list goes on and on. More and more recipes are being placed online by people that have decided to “practice medicine” at home. There are so many trends following gardening right now that it is hard to overlook and worth giving a shot. If you have the time and the resources, give it a try.
FWBG: Any additional tips or advice for readers interested in exploring natural remedies for beauty?
CT: Do your research, don’t be afraid to ask for help, and don’t give up! This is not a race, and you are not expected to know everything at once. Just keep at it and one day you will be advising more than asking questions. You can start by buying products, but I encourage you to try to make your own. This is your journey, this is personal, and now is the time!

Stay In Touch
FWBG: What’s next for you, and how can our readers stay in touch with you?
CT: I am in the process of enlarging my garden. I grow herbs to support my sea moss gel business and I am in the process of growth and expansion. I am excited and already reaping the benefits of this year’s harvest. This is my first year growing my own supplies for my business and I am excited to be able to provide this aspect to my business for my clients. I have also contracted with local growers to supply my business with local honey and herbs that I have not started growing currently. People laugh when I mention that I do not sell sea moss gel, truth is, my clients sell sea moss gel. All my clients have been gained from word of mouth. The products literally sell themselves. I have not started a page, I do not have a website, and business is doing great! Keep in touch at