Janelle Harris, Leading Marketer and Management Guru, CEO of She Exist

Janelle Harris is a professional marketer and management guru with vast experience turning small businesses into multi-level Fortune 500 businesses. Being in the marketing and management field successfully for over 18 years, Janelle demonstrates dedication and passion for all industries such as medical, entertainment, fashion, media, press, and film. Knowing what it takes when production is moving at a minimum makes her amongst the elite, especially for success. She has helped a plethora of doctors, lawyers, Grammy award winners, producers, artists, and certified nurses to find successful jobs in the medical industry and the entertainment business.

Janelle Harris has touched many people’s lives. She has connected many entrepreneurs and global influencers using technology by hosting several virtual conferences titled” How Can Women Pivot During the Pandemic” and “How Can You Expand Your Territories”. Her heart is to continue serving her community and letting everyone know that she cares about their accomplishment that sometimes goes unknown.

Janelle alongside Mr. G Mitchell formed, SHE EXIST to make sure to acknowledge individuals within the community for their hard work and dedication to their city.

Janelle has rewarded over 248 recipients from her SHE EXIST Global Virtual Awards and continues to recognize those that make a difference through social media. She is known to hold leadership conferences in various cities to continue making her mark of excellence on society.

FWM: You have turned small businesses into multi-level Fortune 500 businesses. Take us back and what led you to become one of the most influential marketers of our time. 

I started my career working in a corporate setting and I worked for one of the largest retina practices in the DMV area and not to mention my boss who happens to be a retina specialist by the name of Bert M. Glaser turned out to be a mentor for me who was a prominent retina surgeon. Later on, I developed a module that allowed me to facilitate collaboration in the Virginia region. Shortly after that I was the manager for T. Mark Johnson who was one of the physicians at the practice. We grew the Virginia market like there was no body business.

After building several relationships in the area I said to myself wow this is healthy for best practice. In life we are often running after the dollar, and we are not taking the time to get to know someone and my rule of thumb is’’ all money is not good money’’ Who are we doing business with and why are we doing business with this person? Your business is your brand and in order for you to grow your business you  have to be willing to lose in order to gain. Formidable readers please allow that powerful profound statement to sink for a moment 

I know that my vision is my baby, and it has to develop its own identity. Think of your vision like a seed. If you plant it right and use all the necessary steps eventually it will flourish. To answer your question being a relationship builder has allowed me to cultivate relationships in a cutting-edge technology manner and in doing so it allowed me to become a Global influencer in today’s market industry.

FWM: “If you can see it, believe it, then make it happen!” Explain your philosophy on becoming successful in business. 

The quote ‘’ if you can see it, believe it ‘’came from my administrator by the name of Gregory Mitchell who observed me speak She Exist into existence and what I mean by that, She Exist was manifested by dreams, goals and ideas. I only had a bio at the time with not having any money after the pandemic hit. I called Gregory Mitchell and I asked him to write my bio shortly after I took off running and here we are looking at She Exist Magazine  

FWM: Tell us about your company, She Exist.

She Exist is a foundation for women by women or any business owner who needs  to utilize their voice and talents in order for the individual to understand they exist. Our door is always open and we are here to utilize our resources for others in need of mentorship, media, publication as well as authors in order to assist in their growth. 

FWM: Cathleen Triggs was on the first cover of She Exist Publication. What is your mission?

SHE EXIST Magazine is a luxury magazine for Women, by Women. 

Through focusing on HER interests in areas such as food, fashion, travel, entertainment and finance SHE EXIST MAGAZINE hopes to help readers build a stronger sense of self-worth.  She Exists to encourage and empower women who desire to speak out on their own behalf, providing a first-class experience that exists to engage, inspire and connect. She Exists removes shame and allows self-worth to flourish.  A magazine for women by women that challenges the status quo by celebrating the power of female relationships. 

She Exist and He Exist Magazines; the two online digital publications geared for the business-minded and creative individual. The She Exist/He Exist model is an integrated print, event, and online business that provides comprehensive articles, stories, entertainment and business roundtable virtual events focusing on all things entertainment and business for both women and men

FWM: What will people notice when working with you?

This is a very great question and thank you for the question. People will notice our diverse team with so many things to offer from leadership, fashion, entertainment and they will be around amazing people who wants to see everyone win. 

FWM: You are known for helping clients to catapult their belief systems into amazing experiences. Can you share a few stories? 

We have many stories to share however we are influencing leaders daily through our spotlights, collaboration and this particular example that I will share happens to be my dear friend Linda Bruns who gave me an opportunity to share my chapter in her  book called Wisdom Before Me ,  I surprised Linda Bruns with a billboard of her book cover in Times Square and she called me in aww and Wisdom Before Me went international before it was off the presses. I was so excited for all of us   

FWM: Tell us about the SHE EXIST Global Virtual Awards.

We highlight influencers one a year virtually, I don’t have a future date as yet, but I am brainstorming for the next global awards. 

FWM: What is your vision for 2023?

Wow so many great questions and our primary focus is to continue to inspire and empower so many people around the world. 

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