Liris Crosse is a SUPERMODEL! As the model winner of Project Runway Season 16, Liris has proven that talent and perseverance win EVERYTIME! As the Queen of #modeldiversity, Liris has shattered the glass ceiling of the modeling world proving that all women are beautiful, and exclusions DO NOT APPLY! It is her goal to inspire and educate aspiring models to continue to pursue their goals while providing them with the tools to do so. Let’s learn more about this amazing “Role Model!”
FWM: Liris, thank you for this opportunity! Please introduce yourself and your business.
LC: Well my name is Liris Crosse. I’m a pioneer in the plus modeling world. They have named me the Naomi of Plus & The Body. I do motivational speaking as well as I have my model workshop company called Life of A Working Model Bootcamp where I educate aspiring & working models to up level their careers. I’m also a new author with my 1st book, Make The World Your Runway.
FWM: What drew you to the modeling industry
LC: Well I learned at an early age that I was photogenic by a photographer who was shooting my dad’s congressional campaign brochure. I was always drawn to fashion magazines & I studied the runway shows on fashion tv. Some of my favorite models growing up were Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks, Linda Evangelista, Letitia Casta & Sophie Dahl so they inspired me to make this a career! The opulence of fashion, the acclaim of the runway, the transformations via hair and makeup excited me.
FWM: We all watched and cheered as you were crowned the model winner of Project Runway. What was the experience like for you?
LC: I tell people I had the time of my life on season 16 of Project Runway! It was a fashion adventure because I never knew what to expect every time I arrived to work. Also, I knew what we were doing was revolutionary for our industry. Let me show you the power of words! I remember walking in the designer finale for Ashley Nell Tipton on season 14 of Project Runway (she was the 1st designer to ever do a plus fashion designer finale showcase). At the end of the show I told the castings director Paul Medford thank you for casting me & how amazing it would be if the show actually had plus models for the weekly designer challenges instead of just the finale. He agreed. Little did we both know that after Tim Gunn advocating for years to include us like this that it finally would happen. Paul called me in to audition for season 16 & I booked it. Unbeknownst to many, earlier that year I almost quit modeling cause things just weren’t happening & I was mentally exhausted…. BUT GOD! I’m glad I didn’t give up & I held on.

FWM: In what ways do you feel you are inspiring women and your community?
LC: I feel I inspire people to show up, go after their dreams and live their lives to the fullest. There is power in just existing in spaces that many have deemed we couldn’t. Because I utilize my social media to talk to my followers about my dreams & goals, they are along for the ride through the ups & downs and the fruition! I also travel a lot & take time for me. I try new things from food to activities and spend time with family & friends. I work hard but also play hard!
FWM: What advice would you give to anyone wishing to pursue a career in modeling?
LC: Research & network plus be ready to INVEST! Modeling is not for the cheap if you want to compete on the highest levels. You need to be ready to invest in beauty upkeep, great photo shoots, model training like my Life Of A Working Model Bootcamp, travel and much more. Research the models & workers within the industry from the past, present & future so you can learn what you’re getting into and from them. Immerse yourself in to the culture by getting out there and networking because relationships can get you in spaces that you’ve never dreamed of!
FWM: Please tell us about your book, Make the World Your Runway.
LC: Well it was inspired by my confidence bootcamp I did on the Steve Harvey show & my time on Project Runway. Also let me add that fashion fair godfather, Tim Gunn, wrote the inspiring foreword for it! While on Project Runway, the fans as well as aspiring models loved my confidence and my modeling work that I felt it would be a great idea to write a book that connected the two worlds but for a bigger purpose. They inspired me to write it. It’s like modeling meets life coaching cause it’s model tips for everyday confidence and success. There are things that models use in their everyday lives and on the runway, so I expounded upon them, so everyone could use them on the runway of life. From posture to poise under pressure to standing in your power to positivity and so much more. I hope people take away increased confidence, deepened purpose, a new mindset and excitement for what’s to come.
FWM: You are the Queen of #modeldiversity. How does it feel to have brought so much attention to that platform?
LC: I’m thankful for the impact I’ve had on women across the globe to see a piece of themselves in mainstream fashion by my work. I believe that representation matters! There’s no way every person can be featured but we can use models who people can see a piece of themselves in them. It lets you know that you are ok & important, that your beauty is the status quo too.
FWM: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
LC: Truthfully, it’s just being the woman I am today. I have been through so much but I’m thankful for the woman I’ve evolved into who is mentally strong, loving, determined, still hungry to learn, helpful, motivating and thoughtful.
FWM: Tell us what’s next for Liris Crosse in 2020?
LC: Well I will be bringing my podcast, Liris’ Lounge, back so get ready for some deep conversations & search us for the previous season. I also have mind, body & soul initiative I’m putting into play with Robert Brace fitness in NYC because you can be plus size & fit despite the lies many have been told. I will also be starting a mentorship program for models & my Life Of A Working Model Bootcamp will have a big session hopefully in the spring. You might get a capsule clothing collection or two! Of course, more modeling in campaigns & runway shows so just stay tuned.
FWM: How can our readers connect with you outside of this interview?
LC: Well, my Instagram & Twitter are under @LirisC. I have two Facebook pages under Liris Crosse, a public figure page & a personal page but both are public. Also like our Life Of a working Model Bootcamp page on FB for class updates. My Youtube is Youtube.com/loawmodel. To book me to teach, host or for public speaking please email Christy at BookLirisC@gmail.com.
Photos by Rafael Clemente and Nikki Gomez