Londyn Nikole is an Image & Lifestyle Transformational Speaker & Expert , Dubbed “ The Glamour Boss” which is the name of her virtual podcast on Londyn Nikole Network. The Glamour Boss Podcast:“ Being in Charge Of Your Brand , Has Never Looked So Good” landed at #123 in Beauty & Fashion on Apple Podcast ( April 2020). The Glamour Boss Podcast focuses on the business of beauty, beauty news, trends, and fashion gossip, news, as well as advice on growing your online beauty brand.
FWM: You have transferred your talents from Editor and Make-up Artist into the arena of Imaging and Brand Image Transformation. Share your background.
Yes. I actually started my career working at a radio station in New Bern, NC. That’s where I’m from. I moved to NYC when I was 20 to focus on working in radio, then broadcasting. I needed a job ASAP, and the lady who offered me the opportunity to move to NYC suggested that I apply to work in beauty. I started to work on fashion week shows, learning the business of freelancing, as well as booking and doing freelance on my own. I started meeting people in the AS I was working with these amazing women. I noticed I was being asked for my opinion , advice, and direction and started to be involved in advertising , photoshoots, creative directing, etc. I immediately knew I found what I was supposed to be doing , but at the time I had no idea on how to build a business, career, market it , or package it correctly . It took me several years to really communicate, plan , and really be able to lay out what I wanted to do, what personal branding is, how it’s essential for the creative, and business women in today’s society.

FWM: How important is getting branding correct for entrepreneurs and public speakers?
In today’s busy market. Very. With people jumping from one space to another, your audience can get lost, find another tribe, or lose you in the mix with so many other voices. Being clear about what YOU do, how you want to SOLVE the issue they have, have YOU have dealt with that issue, the FUTURE, of the issue , and as a SPEAKER how do YOU plan on using YOUR VOICE to solve the issue, and most importantly how do people feel after coming into contact with you! Not only that, how do you best authentically show up, using your style, colors, content , catch phrases, niches, hair color, style of words , basically you being you. Most people think they have to be someone else to impact people . I think you have to be determined to show up everyday, to be of service to the audience that wants to hear from you.

FWM: You.Are.Your.Brand.And.Your.Product. Take us through your signature services.
You. Are. Your. Brand. And. Your. Product. For the exact reasons I stated above. When we think of someone like Beyonce, we think of the whole experience, the vocals, the hair, the body suit, and the performance. She is the brand and the product . To the point if your friend says she got Beyonce hair .. you know what she means . You leave an impression on everyone you meet. Personal branding is focused on being smart, and marketing what you want your audience to know about the authentic you. Your products, your services and the experience should all be an extension of who YOU are. For most women when they are started they are still trying to get clear about what problem they want to solve. I offer my signature package : Make Your Beauty Mark. It’s a 6-month program to cover your branding, marketing, knowing what industry you’re in and how you really want to show up on and off of social media . This program starts at $1500 a month as you leave with a new color story, personal brand identity, logo, social media graphics, and a personal outline of what you offer, your key points, and the communication to get you going. If you work best in a group setting . My “Slay Fabolous “ program runs from Jan 1st, until April 1st. It’s a 3-month program , but you get the first month FREE as we onboard you to learn more about you. We don’t feel like you should pay for a YOU experience so take your time answering questions, writing out your ideas, and asking questions . This program is $750 a month but you can join in presale mode for $250 and then pay $500 for the following month for booking VIP access early. If you know you’re just ready for a personal branding image makeover . Then look no further than the “Makeup Your Lifestyle” Personal Branding shoot experience. This experience is a ONE-day content shooting storm. We take over the city and shoot around town with 2-day 3-hour sessions beforehand to discuss image, content placement, communication. Upgrade this experience to VIP treatment and let’s suite it up in NYC for a 3 day stay. Limited booking for VIP so please book early. Makeup Your Lifestyle Personal Brand Shoot is $5k. For any consultations you can visit www.TheGlamourBoss.co or www.TheLondynNikoleFirm.com

FWM: Standing out on social media can be a challenge. In what ways are you helping clients today?
I agree. Social media can be a lot to navigate. I really believe it’s how you view it. After 2020 I know I currently look at social media as the New Wild Wild West. It’s so many opportunities to strike it rich, build your own business idea, platform, or community . My biggest advice would be. What do you want? Money? Build a community? Start a business? Whatever it is. Have a plan, and make sure it’s a mission behind it . People want to be excited in difficult and uncertain times. How can your voice inspire, educate, entertain , motivate your audience? How does doing it for others help you? Asking these questions keeps you focused on the bigger vision of WHY you’re on social media. If not, you will spend time comparing , wishing , judging and overthinking . Find a platform that works best with YOUR communication style and get to TALKING!! Confidence happens day by day. So start today. You never know the great places you will be by this time next year… guess what, if you wanna know. Then plan it and start! LOL

FWM: Take us through the Mindset Makeover.
I love Mindset Makeover. It’s a Monday Morning 5 AM Music Mix on my Lifestyle Network Londyn Nikole Network and Londyn Nikole Radio , as well as a blog post that comes out later that day www.theglamourboss.com/mindsetmakeover . As an entrepreneur many women feel lonely in business or are looking for new ways to market themselves. Mindset makeover is about being encouraged, creative, and motivated in business and life.
FWM: Your Glamour Boss Podcast is filled with tips for success. What can we find in your upcoming shows?
Yes. The Glamour Boss Podcast is filled with tips for beauty entrepreneurs, women who love glam, and if you know you want to be in this industry . I wanted to create a place that covers issues in beauty , ecommerce and retail most consumers and future business owners don’t know . Plus I wanted to be a source for information to navigate in this business of glamour.