Ancara Holgate was born and raised on the sun-bathed tropical island Jamaica, until she moved to the UK as a teenager. As a happily married mother of two, she has worked in various jobs: as a qualified business administrator, hairdresser, in retail as a qualified manager – and she’s had a 16-year run in health and social care.
Her passions include, dancing, singing, dining out and helping others. But one day she discovered that her love for writing would prove invaluable in helping her deal with the challenges of her mum being diagnosed with MS.
FWM: Share your background.
I really enjoy the fact that I am in control of the stories, and I can create this whole new world and I can make it beautiful and inspiring at the same time it also provides an escape when reality becomes too complex.
FWM: What was your inspiration for your popular book, Juke and Summer?
My inspiration for writing Juke and Summer was my memory as a child growing up in Jamaica. I always wanted a dog, but I didn’t have one, so I began thinking how happy and loved I was, but a dog was missing so in that moment Juke and Summer was born.
This book is suitable for age 3-9 yrs.

FWM: Your illustrations by Bryan Smart are just adorable. Tell us about your partnership for your book and what your vision was when creating the illustrations.
When creating the illustrations for Juke and Summer it was very important to me that Bryan capture and deliver what I was creating in my head, my vision was to create a happy little girl who is full of life and love for her pet dog Juke and after several sketches and few back-and-forth; Bryan had nailed Summer’s looks.
My vision was to re-create the younger me right down to the hair texture, this was very important to me because it was one of my childhood memory my mom combing my hair just like Summer hair and letting g my curls loose.
FWM: How excited are you for the release of Aurora and Taurilella – in the Kingdom of Fairies and Mermaids in June?
I am ecstatic about the release of my second book titled Aurora and Tauriella in the Kingdom of Fairies and Mermaids, this is the first of a 2-part book. This story shows two very different worlds coming together to help each other when the needed it the most at the right time.
It shows that unity is strength, and it also shows that you can achieve what you want regardless of your size.

FWM: Tell us about what makes this story a fascinating read for young people?
This story is a fascinating read for young people because it has got so much valuable lessons in it and very relatable in a world where individuals are often treated differently one unequal for one reason or another, it shows the importance of unity and working together it also shows that your size is not a barrier to the things you can achieve.
It also shows the importance of family and most of all it takes you on a journey in the kingdom of mermaids and the Fairies of majestic falls, The entire story line is told as if you are in the story experiencing every touch, smell, taste and emotion and the biggest for me the love
This is a much bigger book than Juke and Summer, suitable for 3-13yrs.
FWM: What will kids notice first about the book?
Kids will first notice how vibrant and alive the covers of my books are with the brilliant illustrations.
FWM: What are some of the lessons?
The lessons to be learned I’m my book is always to be kind and shows how love also teaches a lesson of importance of working in a team or unite together becasue when you do this, great things can be accomplished.
FWM: What’s next?
What’s next for me is that I am working on book 2 and also book 2 of Juke and Summer.
My book will be released end of July (pre-orders are now open and after the release I will be having a book signing, location to be confirmed.