FWM: You are well-known for launching emerging designers. What trends have you seen?
We position our “iKonic” designers as market leaders who create trends and not follow. The creativity from around the world infused with their local culture has become trendsetting within their own right.
FWM: Tell about House of iKons.
My ambition is for House of iKons to be a global brand, known for launching emerging designers and creatives.
House of iKons success so far to date is based on the unique concept, celebrating the new generation of global creative talent.
FWM: What is unique about iKons?
To support creatives before and after the event. It’s not just a “pretty fashion show” it’s about understanding these creatives what their end goal is and to support where we can to try and achieve that goal, and assist with putting that foundation in.

FWM: Tell us about Fashion Week London. How will iKons push boundaries?
Pushing diversity in every way from ethnic backgrounds, size, shape, height, and age. We will continue each season highlighting beauty and creativity not just in design and music but for ALL regardless of ethnicity, size, shape, and sexual orientation; as everyone has the right to feel and look good, feel confident about who they are in the HERE & NOW!! Everyone has that right and we will continue to push boundaries and stereotypes… we are still a small drop in this BIG OCEAN… But we will continue to create a storm and bring beauty and creativity to whoever you are, where ever you are, from around the world.
FWM: The House of iKons has always brought issues to the forefront of fashion. Tell us about the issues you support.
House of iKons has always liked to bring issues to the forefront via fashion, which includes domestic violence, abuse of young children in domestic violence environments, endometriosis – a disease that is affecting young women as young as 16 years causing issues with their internal organs and issues of falling pregnant in the future (which the designer was then interviewed by the BBC as a result) and the most talked about collection, Robots on the Runway by Honee and robots supplied by Omhnilabs which was viewed by over 400 Million viewers worldwide by BBC as well as other news and media outlets. The concept was the marriage between fashion and technology.
“We position our “iKonic” designers as market leaders who create trends and not follow. The creativity from around the world infused with their local culture has become trendsetting within their own right.”
FWM: The House of iKons is one of the top 6 brands Innovative Voices in The Fashion World on Wiki Vid. Tell us more.
As a result House of iKons is now one of the top 6 brands Innovative Voices in The Fashion World on Wiki Vid. Which is what House of iKons has stood for. Highlighting beauty, creativity from around the world pushing the boundaries that fashion, art, and creativity is for everyone regardless of ethnic origin, religious beliefs, size, age, and sexual orientation. We will continue to showcase our iKons and shake the pillars of the fashion industry. These are the innovative voices of fashion!
FWM: What is next for you?
At present we are planning our next season show. With the crisis that is facing the world with the global pandemic of COVID-19 we are trying to support all creatives globally pushing their brand via our channels. Even creatives who have not showcased with us. It is important that we support and show unity in this crisis. At present we are strategizing virtual shows/events that the same impact can be achieved.
Face book: House of iKons
Twitter: @HouseofiKons
Instagram: @house_of_ikons_official
YouTube: House of iKons
Website: www.houseofikons.com