Photo Credit: T. Anna
Have you ever met someone that somewhat does it all? That’s Lady T’Mil Curtis for sure! She is a well-rounded expert in the areas of marketing, coaching, ministry, public speaking, event production, promotion, and the list goes on.
From the inner city of Chicago, born and raised, she is cultured and comes fashioned with impressive knowledge and education about a variety of things. She attended an Episcopalian Grammar School that started cultivating her entrepreneurial spirit at an early age. Being a fast learner and always loving a challenge, she graduated early at age 16 with a 3.5 GPA after dropping out her senior year. “School was boring, and I couldn’t express my creativity like I wanted, so I dropped out. But that was even more boring, so enrolling in an accelerated session proved to be the spark I needed to finish.”
Basically, you bring me what you’ve created, and I help navigate how that creation goes from concept to launch.
Be it in ministry or the mainstream marketplace, Lady T’Mil uses her dominant spiritual gifts of administration and teaching to propel individuals to higher levels in their respective arenas. On top of all the hands-on work that she does in these arenas, she’s also a marketing strategist, author, content creator, digital distribution specialist, public speaker, blogger, and a virtual operations trainer. Her writings provoke people to not only think, but to think at a higher level and from a fresher perspective, while her intellect ignites conversations that are significant and memorable.
She just launched her latest venture, The Ministry GPS, created to help churches, leaders and non-profits better navigate the virtual space. With so many areas and fields of interest under her belt, she enjoys coaching off the radar. Her ability to counsel and encourage clients is uncanny because she does it without you knowing what she’s doing. And she’s a unique coach because she’s able to combine her expertise along with her experience that helps Entrepreneurs, ARTrepreneurs and creatives reach their goals.
FWM: You are known as a well-rounded expert in marketing, coaching, ministry, and public speaking. Share your background.
There are so many facets to me, and it comes from my mom actually. She encouraged me to not just be good at one thing but to be good at being T’Mil. This means every gift that I’ve been blessed with is valuable. Every talent and skill I have is worth using. I’m a church baby, if you will, so, ministry is my foundation and I’m grateful I’ve learned how to marry it with the secular side of who I am.
FWM: Tell us about The Itsladytmil Agency and how you are helping entrepreneurs, ARTrepreneurs and Creatives.
The Itsladytmil Agency started as an answer. So many are gifted and talented but lack administration and/or accountability. I help to bring strategy to life in a comprehensive way that doesn’t make people feel like their creativity is being hindered when handling the business side of things. Basically, you bring me what you’ve created, and I help navigate how that creation goes from concept to launch.

FWM: How have you utilized your spiritual gifts of administration and teaching to propel individuals to higher levels?
I’m a bottom-line kind of person so I always want to know what your end goal and or purpose is. I then help organize and create strategies that someone can follow to achieve said goals. When it comes to teaching, that’s my first love. I enjoy expanding and edifying minds to see beyond what’s in front of them. I’m of the mind that when people leave my presence, they should be impacted for the better.
FWM: What has God taught you?
One thing I needed to understand was that as we try to find God, He is actively looking to find us. If you can’t find God, start to worship and He will find you. Hebrews 11:6 says it is impossible to please God without faith; we must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” Another key thing God taught me was every blessing and His favor is attached to who He created me to be. Being my authentic self; even when I’m unsure yet I trust Him, can and has opened so many doors for me. Lastly, I will highlight He has taught me the importance of community. He never created us to be an island of one so finding your tribe if you will and being intentionally about building relationships is success to me.
FWM: At the heart of every endeavor is your desire to serve and see people win! Explain.
I believe in servanthood. I think that’s one of the greatest ways we can show God in the earth. Using my gifts and callings to serve others is what yields success in my eys. So, it’s not about the “thank you” even though that’s good lol it’s more so sowing good seeds through my actions that keeps me going.
Rave Reviews from clients:
Lady T’Mil Curtis is a serial, gifted, and accomplished entrepreneur. A mentor to creatives, she is passionate about galvanizing others to operate at their highest level. She possesses an uncanny wealth of knowledge, providing you with advice and counsel that produces tangible results. Lady T’Mil has motivated me to keep moving forward even when the odds seem stacked against you. I highly recommend her services. If you are looking to take your business, ministry, brand, or creative endeavor to the next level, Lady T’Mil is the one for you.
Tia W. Cooke Cooke Consulting & Creations Brand Strategist
Lady T’Mil is an EXCEPTIONAL woman who is very knowledgeable of the ins and outs of her industry, and is a PIT BULL who continually breaks down barriers and barricades! Watching her continually shows me that if you do your part, God will take care of the rest! I remember when I was at one of the lowest points in my life, T’Mil gathered all of her friends to send videos to me which created an all out FB concert and I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT! Knowing that she bounced back from sickness and is now thriving let’s me know that my time isn’t complete and that I’m just at the beginning. I love T’Mil and I count it an honor to know such a woman.
Fulks Worship Leader/Indie Artist
FWM: Tell us about your latest venture, The Ministry GPS and how you are changing the world.
The Ministry GPS was birthed at the beginning of the pandemic. I’ve been doing virtual/digital operations since 2015 so, the pivot for me was easy. I took that knowledge along with my years in ministry and started helping pastors, churches and person ministries leverage or create their digital presence. I’ve always said the virtual space wasn’t going anywhere and now more than ever, it’s necessary.
FWM: Please share your upcoming projects.
The biggest is accepting the position of General Manager with VGNBae Music Group out of Houston, Texas. One of my goals is expanding the label and studio into television and film projects. Also looking into new collaborations that will cross various genres of music. I’m also getting back into management but with a more focused clientele than before. I have a heart for musicians and producers so working with them to help ensure their business acumen and administration is top tier like their creativity.

Photo Credit: Joshua Simmons
T’Mil and Vgnbae co-founders Dominique Side and Anthony Hall.
What will people notice when working with you?
I’m real. I don’t work with anyone or on any project I don’t believe in. So, you get 100% of T’Mil. I’m a provoker; I’m going to push you outside of your comfort zone into greater. I’m an encourager; I will motivate you until times get better. And I am the solution; If you work with me on any level, you’ll have the tools needed to navigate you towards the success your life/business/ministry deserves.
For more information or to contact Lady T’Mil, please visit
Social Media – Facebook: T’Mil Curtis, IG, Twitter, LinkedIn, Clubhouse & Wisdom: @itsladytmil
About VGNBae Music Group
VGNBae Music Group is a multi-genre label and the brainchild of two multi-talented creatives, Anthony Hall, and Dominique Side. With artists in gospel, pop, Latin and jazz who have seen billboard and radio success, their projects have industry appeal and has placed them on some of the hottest digital platform playlists like New Gospel Friday on Spotify, Hot Latin Tracks on Pandora, and major holiday playlists with the second release from The Collective; A VGNBAE Christmas.
This is an awesome article!