Award-Winning Dancer, Actor, and Writer, Roxanne Alese: You can live a full and productive life, even with autoimmune deficiency and illness.

FWM: How are you a Champion for women? 

I always talk positive and compliment every woman. I leave them feeling confident and make myself available to their needs. I believe we are here to help each other.

FWM: You have been a dancer since age 3. Tell us about your experience.

I was born crippled. By age 3, the braces on my legs were removed. I still had to wear orthopedic shoes for years. I knew at that age that I wanted to start dance classes. My parents were hesitant, but I was unyielding in my pursuit. By age 4, I danced at Carnegie Hall.

FWM: How did you transition from dance to acting?

I was taking classes in both art forms and auditioning for both. I studied every art form except instrumental. I have a love for all art forms and have worked in every one.

FWM: How did autoimmune deficiency and other illnesses change your everyday life?

I have rheumatoid arthritis, MS, neuropathy, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, emphysema, IBS, and incontinence. I have a nurse and a health aide 7 days a week. I refuse to let these diseases interfere with my life and goals. I have studied mind over pain, and medicine for years. I’m an Advocate for it. The mind is extremely powerful. I have never allowed my diseases to control my life. I no longer take pain medications. Two aspirin is all I allow myself, no matter how brutal the pain becomes. I have danced, acted, directed, and sang, all while I was in chronic pain. I rarely listen to doctors because their prognosis is too negative. I take life-sustaining medications, but no pain killers. They just mask the pain. I was in a wheelchair for several years, but it got in the way of my performing, so I trained myself to walk again. I wrote several plays while I was incapacitated. I fight my diseases every day of my life and will continue to do so until my last breath. These are debilitating diseases without cures. I’m well aware of how they are attacking my entire body, but I still get up every day, happy to do what I love most. Many have it worse than me. I’m very fortunate to have a nurse and a health aide to assist me when I fall or have a seizure. I also developed adrenal problems, so my energy level is low. I force myself to accomplish something each day. I take one day a week off from all my classes, that are very physical. Boxing, Taekwondo, Acting and Dance classes and 4 to 5 days at the gym. This is what keeps me alive. Movement is essential. If you stay in bed, you will never leave it. If people with these diseases would realize that physical therapy is so helpful. I hope this interview will inspire those who suffer. My heart is with them.

FWM: When did you discover that you had an autoimmune deficiency? 

At birth, but I didn’t actually feel the effects until 30-years old.

Tell us about the plays you have written. Where do you get your inspiration from? 

Everything I write is based on true events and real people. Some have been about my life, or a family member, or a friend. I’ve lived a very colorful life, and so have the people I write about. My writing is considered dark. One critic called it raw and abrasive. I write honestly and open-minded. My work could be considered esoteric.

What do you enjoy most about the Arts? What is next for you? 

Learning. Going to try acting once again. Right now, I’m working on my reel.

Please share a personal experience about living life to its fullest, even with illness. What do you want others to know? 

You are in control of your life. With osteoporosis, it is easy to break bones. I had a small thin bone in my ankle that snapped right before a major dance competition. I told my partner we were still going to perform. I was in tremendous pain and the ankle and my leg was swelling. Once we hit the dance floor, I felt nothing. I danced to my fullest potential and took home the 1st place honors. The next day,  I went straight to the hospital and took care of the problem.

Do you have any additional thoughts? Live a positive life. I’ve lost many loved ones. Life is too short. Do what you love, and make your own rules. You are in control of your life!!!

Please share your social media links. My FB page will take you to my other pages.  

Sincere thanks to the amazing Jules Lavallee. You’re a major contribution to this industry. Much Love!!

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