Selena Soo- Built A 7-Figure Empire By Leveraging Human Connection

Selena is a publicity and marketing strategist for visionary entrepreneurs, experts, and authors who want to reach millions with their message. She’s helped clients and students get featured in places like O, The Oprah Magazine, Forbes, and Inc., and land interviews on popular podcasts and national TV. Many of Selena’s clients have become industry leaders with 6 and 7-figure businesses, raving fan bases, and hundreds of thousands of followers.

FWM: Share your upbringing. How did it have an impact on your career?

As a child, I grew up in a wealthy community in Hong Kong. From an early age, I was aware of the power of relationships and the value of nurturing them. My father was a successful stockbroker and entrepreneur who frequently hosted dinner parties at our home to build relationships with clients. When I started my own business, I wanted to host similar parties but use them to connect entrepreneurs to the media so they could make a greater impact. By showing entrepreneurs, coaches, and experts how to amplify their message and get their great work out into the world, I’ve been to make my biggest impact.

FWM: “The most successful people move forward even in the face of discomfort.” Expound on this. 

When it comes to being an entrepreneur, you’re constantly going to be challenged by things that are scary to do whether it’s creating offerings, having a sales conversation, being on video or publicizing your media wins. It’s not that the most successful people don’t feel the fear. It’s that they feel the fear and they do it anyway. If you want to get to the next level of your business and your potential, it’s all about challenging yourself to do new things—even if they’re uncomfortable. If you take those small courageous steps forward, over time the thing that has been the scariest can actually become quite empowering.

I have always believed that classic saying, “Your network is your net worth.”

FWM: How have you built a 7-figure empire by leveraging human connections? 

Increasing my visibility by appearing in the media allowed me to rapidly build my business and make an impact in the world. Many of my biggest visibility opportunities have come from building a relationship with someone. I have always believed that classic saying, “Your network is your net worth.” Every single person you meet could one day become a customer who becomes a super fan who raves about your work; a referral or affiliate partner who tosses ideal clients your way; or an influencer or media professional whose platforms can introduce you to a bigger audience. I’ve found that the more you help people reach their goals and show people that you care, the more they’ll want to give back to you. 

FWM: What does it take to be a Master Connector? 

It’s about living a lifestyle where you always want to generously show up and serve and help people. It’s about having your eyes open for opportunities about who could benefit from knowing each other. One thing that is important when you’re making connections is to make sure that it’s a win all around. I’m also always mindful not to introduce people without getting their permission for an introduction first. 

FWM: How important is a Coach?

As entrepreneurs, we all need to have someone in our corner to help us get to the next level. It’s helpful to have a mentor—someone who has been there and done that—to guide the way. I’ve had many mentors and many people I’ve learned from over different times in my career. One of my first mentors was a business coach who helped me create my high-end packages and masterminds. She really allowed me to like up-level my business.

FWM: Who is a thought leader that you admire? 

Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook and the author of Lean In. I admire her grace under fire, her humility, and her resilience. She has been able to overcome painful circumstances, like when her husband passed, and turn that pain into a purpose to help other women come up with their Option B in life. She empowers women in the workplace to go fully for their dreams and is committed to sharing other women’s stories and helping them advance in the workplace.

FWM: What is next for you in 2021?

I recently released a story on Medium called, “I was an emotionally abusive relationship, even as a smart and successful woman.” While it felt very vulnerable to break my silence around this painful period in my life, it was powerful to own my story and move forward from that place. Since then, I’ve received many hundreds of emails from women who’ve read my story and are learning how to take back their power. It reminds me that even though I went through this terrible experience, I was able to use it to help others.

The signature program that I developed, Impacting Millions, is opening its doors soon and I’m thrilled to be able to help more entrepreneurs, coaches and experts share their expertise and their experiences. I know that each and every person in this world has the potential to impact millions through the power of their story and expertise. I’m thrilled that I get to spend my time helping people unlock the potential within them.

FWM: Please share your social media links.
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