Fashion Artist Ksenia Kotova: Why Italian “Bella Vita” is One of Her Best Inspirations.

Ksenia Kotova is a fashion artist, born in Moscow in 1987. Both of her parents are artists. She attended different classical drawing schools from a very young age. Later on, she graduated in “Design of Architectural Spaces” at the Institute of Modern Art in Moscow where she discovered her passion for drawing female figures and faces. By chance, she went on a four-day trip to Rome and, once there, she immediately fell in love with it, being amazed not only by the immense artistic and historical heritage but also by the Italian lifestyle. She move to the Italian capital and keeps perfecting the study of design. She graduated in “Industrial Design” at the Institute Superior of Artistic Industries (ISIA) in 2012. She worked as an interior designer in Rome collaborating with several architectural firms.


FWM: Share your background.

I grew up in artistic family. My father was a graphic designer, and my mom is painter. I started to draw and paint in very young age. After I finished high school, I didn’t know what exactly I wanted to do. In that time interior design was a very fashionable profession that was just developing in Russia, and I wanted to follow the trend. I graduated in University of Modern Arts in Moscow, then I continue my studies abroad: Germany, New Zealand and Italy. 

FWM: When did you have an epiphany that led you to your art today?

My first trip to Rome was life-changing for me. It was love at first sight. I realized that this is the place where I want to live. The festive atmosphere and the generous Italian sun won me over. As soon as I graduated from the institute in Moscow, I continued to study design in Rome. My institute was right in front of the great Pantheon. For me it was all like a dream, I could not believe my happiness that I am live in one of the most beautiful and ancient cities in the world.

FWM: How did Milan set the stage for you? 

It was a turning point in my life. After graduating from Institute in Rome, I was in search of myself. Confused, I did not understand and did not know what I wanted to do. At some point, I decided that I needed a change of scenery and I moved to Milan. There, a completely new world opened up for me. The first month was difficult, I was completely alone, I left all my life, my friends in Rome, so it was the perfect moment to rethink myself. I walked a lot, exploring the city, went to exhibitions and museums.  Inspired by the atmosphere, I felt that I needed to back to drawing. I was walking around the city with a notebook and pencils, drawing local cafeteria’s , people and windows of fashion boutiques. Then I caught the famous fashion week in Milan, and at that moment everything in me turned upside down. I understood exactly what I was missing: freedom, colors and lightness of creativity. From that moment, I concentrated on fashion, began to study all brands and fashion artists. I painted day and night like crazy. This was one of my most productive periods of that time.

FWM: Describe your fashion art and Fashion Week.  

I do sketch style, abstract and lots of color. I do quick and simple lines, and I love to experiment with character stylization. 

For me, this is primarily self-expression, my world, my meditation. I just sit down and create it all in my imagination, and then transfer it to my work. I can immerse myself in any state, place or time of the year.   Fashion week for me is the material for a new year, inspiration, colors and forms. When you in the fashion field it’s very important to know trends, follow the brand ideas, analyse the materials, textures and be updated 100% about the new season.

Stella Jean Kkseniaart

FWM: Who inspires you? 

I live in Italy since 10 years, this country and the Italian “Bella Vita” is one of my best inspirations. I love to illustrate beautiful Italian cities, towns. Inspiration for me is a constant daily flow, I am not looking for it on purpose, I am inspired by absolutely everything. Architecture, art, nature, cuisine, fashion and cinema. Sometimes in my grey days I just need to bring myself outside for a couple of hours and after seeing the beauty around me I definitely feels much better and ready to create again.

FWM: Tell us about your current projects.

At the moment Im working on very fun progect, it is an advertising campaign, which is a fashion animation, hope you will see it soon in social media.

Usually I am very lucky with my clients, they trust in me. I always have many ideas, solutions and lots of glam. I am very creative and can resolve any complications or difficulty.

FWM: Do you have any upcoming events? 

I am planning to release my personal exhibition next year, pandemic permitting.


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