Bettina was born in Hungary and came to United States through human trafficking in 2012. She was hiding for the first years of her American dream as it quickly became a nightmare. In 2016 she ran away from her traffickers and started to build her life over. She is now providing education and recovery programs for survivors and potential victims through her company, Justbettina. She is committed in helping organizations fighting human trafficking and aiding safe houses by walking victims through revival.
FWM: You came to the United States through human trafficking in 2012. Take us back.
Yes. I had a beautiful friend in Hungary who had everything I was dreaming of, and at the time I was there struggling financially, with my family is pieces after the parents’ divorce, just looking for some stability and attention.
So, she connected me with this guy, who we had a skype interview with, he presented an opportunity of a lifetime and gave me exactly the attention I wasn’t ever receiving from my dad. He told me how amazing this job will be, and I get to attend all the luxury events, and parties, meet the most influential people in Miami.
He gave me money for my flight ticket from Hungary to Miami. Once I landed in Miami, a driver picked me up on the airport and took me to a small hotel next to I-95 where I met the guy from Skype the next day. Here he told me that before I can be that popular girl I will have to sleep with these clients, but not to worry because they are nice and when I proved myself, I can meet with high-profile people.
FWM: What do you know now that you wish you knew then?
Well, there a couple of things. But the first one probably is that their threats were empty, and even though they told me I was always under surveillance, they haven’t had the manpower to do that.
The next one is that immigration officers and police is there to help. I was clearly instructed not to talk to them and was in the belief that they would never believe me. Today, I wish I would’ve talked to them sooner.
The power of the education, health. I strongly believe that I ended up in human trafficking because I was way under educated to see the red flags. This was the same reason driving me to get back to school as soon I received my residency. I’m graduating next year from University of Miami – a top college in the US – and today I know that I can recognize fishy deals, because I have a basic understanding of business and the system in the country.
During the trafficked years alcohol and drugs were heavily involved. I hated to be high, but what is worse than that, is that are pushing the feelings away. There were years when I was emotionally so numb, that I don’t even remember some of the memories.
FWM: How did you escape?
I came to the US in February of 2012 and about 3 years later I found myself somewhere in New York, in a ugly a dirty tiny apartment sleeping with 10-15 man/day for $100 bucks and they could do to me whatever they wanted as many times as they wanted.
Not only I was disgusted by myself, but my whole body was in pain. Life didn’t even matter anymore. At that point I knew that I would even rather to be homeless than do this a min longer. I started to look for opportunities where I can just walk out from the apartment, and no one would notice it.
So, I did. And I bought a flight ticket to Las Vegas and paid a hotel there for 3 nights. It was all the money I could afford. I went to the Casino scene and took life day-by-day, I told myself that if those people could profit on selling me, I can do the same and keep the money at least.
However, shortly after I get arrested by immigration for being an illegal immigrant. I managed to pay the attorneys and we filed for a T1 human trafficking victim visa. And from that day on life changed forever.

FWM: You spend your life today offering human trafficking training and survivor recovery programs. Tell us about Justbettina.
Yes, that is correct. I think my story is powerful, because I took the effort to make hard choices instead of the easy ones. I know that by today I was able to convert my experiences into my strength, and although I used to hate to be the special one, and talk about human trafficking, I know that this is also what makes me unique.
I started to work with other survivors because I know that recovery is possible. I know that survivors can build businesses, get healthy, and achieve a full and happy life. We already paid the price for our suffering and what is coming after is the fun part. There is nothing to be scared of anymore.
So, the steps I’m taking other survivors through are the same ones I went through. I stand by their side and guide them through recovery. Help them to get jobs, go back to school, and most importantly I’m close when they would slip or fall. I believe in showing an example and teaching through that. Often help to get a job for survivors, walk them through the process of finding and applying for apartments and scholarships. Really, anything necessary for their recovery.
FWM: What are key words to healing?
Therapy, physical health, education, having a job and/or creating a business, sobriety, and God.
FWM: Take us through the process of healing.
Once I applied for the US residency, my life changed for good. I always knew I wanted more from life, and once the paperwork was done, I applied to college, and in addition, based on the human trafficking visa I also received a full scholarship.
Once I was back in school, I went to look for a job in hospitality, and started cleaning table in a restaurant in Miami beach. During this time, I found my relationship with God and started to go to Vous Church. They provided a community helping me to stay sober, trust God and his plan, and stop feeling so lonely.
In addition to all of this, fitness was a significant part of the healing journey too. Lifting weights taught me that I will be able to do more and more each day, and that my performance will increase with practice. Once I learned that, I knew I will be able to do anything I put my mind to.
My recovery started about 5 years ago now, and most of the help was coming from therapists – I was in an out of therapy for years. Today, I’m still seeing a professional as I know that I can thank most of my success for their help. They helped me put the pieces back together and pull me out from mentally dark places.

FWM: What are some of the misconceptions of human trafficking?
The most significant one is that human trafficking and sex trafficking are not equal. Although sex trafficking has the most females involve, labor trafficking is having more victims. Here we have to think about hospitality and construction businesses mainly.
Another important one is that victims getting involved in human trafficking rarely involved kidnapping. Most people think about the movie Taken when they hear human trafficking, but those circumstances don’t even add up to 1%. Human trafficking happens mostly with coercion, where victims are being brainwashed into the situation.
FWM: You train businesses and individuals. What will they learn from you?
I teach visible signs of human trafficking and offer solution on how what to do if we suspect something. Most victims are exposed because they are coming from an unhealthy family background, or because of sever financial hardship. With that being said, I believe that we can learn who are the individuals we have to pay more attention to.
The next question is that if we know someone is being trafficked, what to do to successfully help him or her to get out from the situation. A regular individual won’t be able to simply walk in, tell the person that now I’m taking you to save your life. We have to work with victims and help them to get strong enough mentally to leave.
FWM: You offer powerful videos and products on your website. Tell us more.
Justbettina’s project started on social media. At the very beginning when the pandemic came, I lost my job just with many others, and I always had passion helping others. It just fills my heart. Living in Miami I see how some girls tend to think that “having a sugardaddy” is cool and that’s all they want, but they don’t understand that 98% of females in the sex-industry are being exploited. And they also don’t understand how reckless is that they are saying.
So, I had the time, and going through my BA program I started to be comfortable with computers, and I thought might as well I just try to make this into a business. My social accounts had an incredible growth for the past two years, and once I saw how I can connect with other survivors the business just started to grow.
The main product I focus on was the Justbettina Affirmation Mugs. I had the idea, and then loved it how I can wake up and read a little affirmation while drinking my coffee. (I’m definitely a coffee addict. LOL) After I started creating e-commerce site for them, such as Facebook shop, and an Amazon store. The mugs were sold out in 4 days, and now waiting on the new order to arrive. I love all the support my followers are giving on my social platforms.
FWM: Can you share a few stories of women that you have worked with and how JustBettina changed their lives?
Absolutely. First, each women’s journey is different. There are some who I’m engaged with digitally, and some who I get the chance to meet. I believe in support, and encouragement, I think loving someone, and giving attention goes far. Everyone who I work/worked with knows that they can reach out to me any time of the day, and I will make myself available.
There are some similarities in the stories though, because what I mentioned before, the recovery steps are very similar for everyone, they just tend to struggle with different things.
For example, there was a woman in her 40’s and she was terrified from going back to school, but she wanted to prove herself so much, that she was willing to take 3-4 online courses at the same time. So, I helped her understand that a semester is just the same thing, and she can do it in a way how she doesn’t have to pay for it. – I wish I could show you the smile or her face after she understood, and not too long ago she just sent me the email that is enrolled in uni.
There was another girl down here in Miami, she recently moved here with her son. Smart and beautiful, she just didn’t know where to even start putting her life together. And don’t get me wrong it’s hard. Finding a job, an apartment, a school for the kid, getting a car, and figuring out a residency. So, I’m helping her all the way down what to do and in which order to make it the fastest and the least painful.
Instagram: and @justbettina_relax