Colleen Gallagher: Heart-Centered Intuitive Business Consultant

Colleen is a Heart-Centered Intuitive Business Consultant. She has survived childhood cancer, and is a Global Citizen, a passionate advocate, and an academic who is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Psychology. Her greatest success is seeing her clients’ businesses impact the world in a way that feels good for them.

FWM: When did you discover your gifts to help others find clarity? 

After I was diagnosed with cancer at age 14, I started to realize how many people died without truly falling in love and truly living. 

 I was always was very intuitive, but after cancer, I was able to guide people in understanding their feelings so they would have clarity on what they actually wanted out of life and create that. Eventually, I became the friend that everyone wanted to call when they had problems, and to process their feelings so they understood what was actually going on inside of them. Then from this place of knowing what you are actually feeling we can make informed decisions about what we want to do with the present moment and our future. 

FWM: You are a heart-centered business consultant. Share your techniques that have helped your clients live their truth. 

My main three step process goes through the following:

Find Your Truth – in order to truly understand how to live a heart-centered life and be connected to what is happening around us, we must understand what our truth is. However, many of us have been disconnected from what our truth is because we have been rejected for it previously or we avoid our truth because we think it’s easy to live a “normal” life. Yet living a “normal” life is usually what makes us unhappy, depressed, and desire to start searching for answers. So, step one, for any person or brand, is to understand what is the truth of the message you are trying to convey, and that can only be done when each person knows what their truth is.

Speak Your Truth – Many people wonder why their life or business looks the way it does. However, when someone starts to talk about their life and business you start to understand that every word they are saying literally vibrates at the frequency of where their life is at. Here I start to guide people in understanding what is the language, frequency, and vibration you and your brand what to communicate from. Then from this place of speaking your real truth of what you want to receive from the world and put into the world, you can start to build a brand and lifestyle that will fulfill your truth of why you are here.

Live Your Truth – Finally, once people begin this process of understanding how to find their truth and speak their truth consistently with how they are thinking and feeling, a miraculous thing starts to happen where people’s lifestyles begin to shift. People’s business and personal life don’t become so separate, instead, they begin to merge where people feel safe to authentically express what is on their mind and heart, which leads to people making better decisions, and creating a lifestyle they love where their income, relationships, and health naturally become better.

FWM: How are you teaching leaders to use their voices on social media to attract opportunities? 

From my process shared above, I start by having a conversation with someone on where they want their life to be and where it is at currently. Many times when you start to ask people what they want, they have no idea, or they focus on everything they do not like currently about their life. A lot of people focus on that they do not have the relationships they desire. So, I start to ask what type of relationships and conversations do they desire to be having? Then once I get people into this vibration we start to come up with a plan on how they can use social media as a platform to share their voice and attract people who have similar interest in them. And eventually we create a business for them by understanding what problems they can solve by what conversations they would love to have all day long. Before you know it my clients are showing up online and creating a thriving community of people to have conversations they want to have and relationships they want to be part of.

FWM: Tell us about your book the “8 Golden Rules to Become a Heart-Centered Business Leader. 

This book shares 8 rules I have learned in my life of what it takes to become a heart-centered leader vs a mind and logical leader. These are the first 8 episodes of my podcast The Colleen Gallagher Podcast where I go much deeper into each rule. The purpose of becoming a heart-centered leader is you are able to manifest results in a shorter amount of time, and create lasting memories where you feel proud of everything you are being in the world. 

FWM: Share a client story that brought you to tears. 

Oh gosh, there are so many stories that I suggest people check on out on my website

All of them are great, yet I feel each time my clients allow their hearts to break through, their soul to become alive, they empower themselves to truly express what’s on their heart and mind, and each time I look into a clients eyes who truly has fallen in love with life, that brings me to tears.

FWM: What are key points in your book “Live Your Truth?”

This book is an initiation into your journey of Awakening. 

In this book, I share how I had cancer at age 14 yet I remained a victim of this disease for 9 years after I was diagnosed. 

Our life is always a reflection of our mindset, and until we start to understand our mindset and change it we will always feel stuck and unfulfilled. So in this book, I created the Intoxicator Movement. An Intoxicator is someone who takes the time, to look within, remove the toxic, and becomes what is left their truth. So together, from our truths, we can intoxicate the world with love together, to create the largest peaceful army of love. In the book, I go through a 5 step journey of how to become an Intoxicator and detoxify your life. 

Step 1 – Become Open 

If we are not open to new possibilities or new ways of life, we will remain a victim of our current circumstances. 

Step 2 – Discover

After we become open we must be available to discover the miracles that life will bring to us. 

Step 3 – Explore 

Then we get to explore. After we start to discover there is a different way to do and be in life, then we get to explore all these new ways of being and doing to see what truly aligns with our truth. What is it that will light our soul on fire, and finally bring us fulfillment and happiness. 

Step 4 – Love 

We get to truly start to allow ourselves to fall in love with life. We can only fall in love with life when we’ve made it a habit to become open, discover and explore what is out there in the world for us to experience.

Step 4 – Intoxicator

You become the person that is intoxicating the world with love. Because you have become the happiest and most fulfilled version of yourself so you can abundantly give to others without feeling resentment, anger, or depleted.
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