Formidable Woman Magazine’s “POWER 20” Online Magazine spotlights 20 accomplished women making extraordinary strides in their industries. These women inspire the next woman to be bold, to be unapologetic, to be great!

FWM: Who is Teresa and what is your superpower?
I am a Wellness Lifestyle and Mindset Coach and my superpower is RESILIENCE. I started my healing work 16 years ago when I became a Reiki Level II energy practitioner after beating Stage II Cervical Cancer. I tended to get really SICK every year for about a month at a time and it wasn’t fun…I was DEPRESSED and not caring for myself the way I should.
After this, I moved across the world from LONDON to HAWAII and went on to become a highly sought after Massage Therapist and Wellness Coordinator for many chiropractors, acupuncturists and corporate companies in Hawaii and the Bay Area, blending all of my newly honed powers for good to HELP people all over the world. I’ve been a Certified Integrative Wellness and Mindset Coach since 2015 and THRIVE on helping clients find their purpose and power.
…my superpower is RESILIENCE
I’m so grateful for that initial diagnosis and gift as it has made me the PERSON that I am today The road hasn’t always been easy but with the tools I’ve learned and put into practice over time, my health and mental wellness has gotten so much stronger. This is why Mindset is also vital.
As a result of my work, my clients find clarity, purpose and balance when they suffer setbacks in their lives and career. By working on their energy, awareness and finding self care suited to their lifestyle, they are able to move through obstacles with healthy, inspired momentum.
FWM: What has been the greatest challenge in your industry and how have you overcome it?
Many Wellness practitioners (ie exercise instructors, massage therapists etc) have struggled with how to pivot their offers and gifts to the online space this year. I have been blessed enough to take that crisis and turn it into an opportunity (resilience and growth mindset) by taking the down time to learn all things online marketing, invest in a business coach of my own and create my upcoming online programs and one on one coaching that is available anywhere, virtually!
FWM: You’re a serious BOSS! Tell us, what are you working on and what’s next for you?
Thank you! Along with my one on one client work, my latest offering, Holistic Harmonization is a Women’s Group Wellness Coaching experience and a sacred online space for busy, overwhelmed professional women that need to make time for self care and share inspiration and community with other high vibe women.
My future endeavors will include designing some aligned online courses and building collaborations with other amazing women in the field to raise the frequency of sisterhood and support across the worldwide community.
I am offering a free masterclass to teach women 3 proven practices for overcoming their limiting beliefs and finding their vitality and purpose again. You can sign up here:https://breakthruwellness.lpages.co/breakthru-wellness/
About Teresa
I’m Teresa, founder of Breakthru WellnessTM Coaching + Bodywork and creator of Holistic Harmonization©. I help busy, overwhelmed professional women find healthy balance and inner power by becoming more in tune with their own body and emotional needs so that they can lead and live with vitality and abundance.
Title: Wellness Lifestyle and Mindset Coach, Owner of Breakthru WellnessTM Coaching and Creator of Holistic Harmonization©.
IG: www.instagram.com/breakthruwellness
FB: www.facebook.com/breakthruwellness