Jenilyn N. Rodriguez is an American multi-hyphenate Spiritual Thought Leader, Mystic, energy healer, film producer, best-selling author, entrepreneur {Boss Babe CEO} & motivational speaker living in the New York City area. Her healing practice is called Starlight & Sacred Tree, where she offers Light and transformation as an intuitive Spiritual healer, Law of Attraction & miracle manifestation life coach, energy healing teacher – and group leader with Quadrant, her positivity-based wellness community! “Many people go to “talk therapy” for years, sometimes even decades ~ but the crucial missing component there is that oftentimes the Spirit is not considered in those sessions. And it has become abundantly clear that many people all around the World (especially nowadays) are very Soul sick. That is what I address. The needs of a person’s Spirit & their purpose in this life. The reasons that NOTHING else has worked or helped. I guide people to total life transformation, into their own personal magic and back to the joy of a child.” – Jenilyn N. Rodriguez

Jenilyn is also the founder, head writer & film producer of Jen X Productions ~ bringing magical & redemptive healing stories to life! She is also an actress, singer, content creator, acting advisor, Muse and Spirit Dancer {she can’t be stopped!}. Jenilyn delights in examining the magic in the world, Nature, delicious food, finding joy wherever possible, and retelling old tales with hope and healing!
FWM: You are a Spiritual Thought Leader and Energy Healer. Share your background.
I always had a fascination with Magic, and even with trying to help / heal people, even when I was a little kid… I used to chase fireflies in the backyard because I was sure that they would lead me to the fairies. As the years went by, I began studying metaphysics, healing, alchemy, and anything else that I could. Fast forward over 20 years later and here I am, still obsessed and in love with this world. Even as an actress, I always look to dive as deeply as I can into a character, into their life and mind and world – and that feels enchanted to me too. I especially love playing magical characters and human beings who overcome or witness something incredible.
FWM: Share a pivotal moment in your life.
To be perfectly honest, I actually had a really rough time in my early 20’s where I was completely lost, and I was struggling with addiction issues and very low self-worth. In my late 20s it all came to a head and I had to go to the hospital. I knew that if I didn’t change my life for the better I would probably have died. So I began the long journey of my own healing and back to my own personal gifts & magic. Now I’ve dedicated my life to helping others heal and find their magic as well.

FWM: “Many people go to “talk therapy” for years, sometimes even decades ~ but the crucial missing component there is that oftentimes the Spirit is not considered in those sessions.” Explain.
I have several clients that have been on antidepressants and other medications, or clients that have been going to regular therapy or counseling for decades and decades as well. The kind of transformation that I have studied and that I am able to offer is really different, because it addresses the Spirit itself, not just the thinking mind and/or the body. I have seen incredible transformation and I am truly so blessed to be able to do this work every day.
FWM: How are you transforming lives today?
We live in a world, in a society that predominantly encourages “going with the flow,” or doing the popular thing, or doing whatever it takes to be liked. The problem with this mentality is that not only do we deny huge aspects of ourselves, our dreams, & where our heart wants to lead us – we can actually develop an extraordinarily unhealthy self-hatred for “being so different” deep down inside. I also believe that almost every single person in the world has experienced trauma to some degree. I read a report recently that said something like 70% of adults have all experienced trauma in their life… And I say no way. Way, way more than that. So, the work that I do with people involves intuitive & energy healing, along with any number of the techniques I’ve become certified in (hypnosis, miracle manifestation life coaching, and more). I help quiet that negative voice, help to recognize the beliefs and the traumas that are trapped in our psyche, to transform that and rewire-in better, healthier, higher frequency ideas so that they can live a completely fresh new life of their own choosing. And then there is me over here just watching dreams come true ~ it’s such an amazing thing to witness!

FWM: Tell us about Jen X Productions and the magical & redemptive healing stories you are bringing to life.
I started Jen X Productions in January 2013 because as an actress I really wanted to write roles that I wanted to play! I also knew so many incredibly talented artists and crew members in New York City that I just had to bring everybody in to create fun, funny, amazing stories all together. It very naturally showed up in my writing that I am obsessed with Magic (of course) and also, I love turning old negative stories on their head! For example, so many old fairytales told to children are extremely disturbing. Did you know that?! I like to take a look at them, how ridiculous they are and reimagine those stories. (I did this in my chapter of the book “Fairy Tales Retold” as well. It became a bestseller!!) I will be making some of my earlier films available streaming or on YouTube very soon. Currently, I am contracted to produce two films that are about trauma and healing and redemption. I feel so blessed to be a part of these projects because they are so incredibly aligned of course! Isn’t that just the Law of Attraction in action right there!!?
FWM: You will soon be launching a very special supernatural podcast and YouTube channel. Tell us more.
I have wanted to launch this podcast for years, but I have been overwhelmed with a lot of projects going on at the same time. I’m excited to start this podcast very soon. The time is now – yay! I will have some incredible guests, all telling personal stories of amazing, wild and supernatural things that they witnessed in their real lives. Ahhh it’s going to be so fun!
FWM: Tell us about Quadrant, the positive-based wellness community.
Quadrant is an idea that came to me while I was seeking ways to help people who feel really lost and hopeless about changing the condition of their lives. Not everyone can work with me one-on-one at Starlight & Sacred Tree, and not everybody would want to. The work I do is very spiritually-based. Quadrant is special in that it is my offering that is for absolutely everybody. It is a simple, systematic year-long membership where the people in our community have events they can attend, prizes they can win, and positive joyful support while they are working toward the truest goals in their life. It’s brand new and picking up speed. I have an amazing, wonderful team of over 25 people! We are very very excited about literally helping to change lives.
FWM: As a Positivity Speaker, what topics will you be sharing globally in 2022?
It’s so funny the Quadrant crew call me “Fairy Robbins” because I aim to be motivational, but I am always magical too. I actually channel a lot of the topics that come through when I want to share and speak… The primary thing that I love to try to help people understand is that: One, the Law of Attraction is very real. I see proof of it every single day. Two, we can very literally change every part of our lives to make it what we want it to be, because we are the co-creator of our life and existence! And three, everybody has their own personal magic. My job is to help people heal and help them find it!
FWM: Please share your social media.
On Instagram: @starlightandsacredtree & @JeNoele & @quadrant4lifeOn Facebook: Facebook: TikTok & Clubhouse @JeNoeleComing Soon:
In Love & Light, *JenilynStarlight & Sacred Tree FB page@starlightandsacredtree on IG