Morgan Angelique Owens is the author of “Finding My Sparkle” and Founder & CEO of the MAO Brand, Professional Pretty, and Curvy Cardio, LLC. An entrepreneur powerhouse — Author, Consultant, Speaker, Brand Ambassador — Morgan uses her vision and voice to coach and uplift women and young girls by sharing the knowledge and expertise she’s honed in the areas of physical and mental health, beauty, personal empowerment, and lifestyle content. She uses her passion and fashion-forward savvy to authentically bridge the gap between brands and underserved audiences through her Blog, Professional Pretty. She has been featured in national publications such as Black Enterprise. Morgan has received numerous awards such as, “Woman of Influence”, “40 under 40”, and “Black History Honoree” from the Cincinnati Chamber.
Morgan strives to empower individuals and businesses to invest in their futures and find their Sparkle. In 2021 she partnered with The Cincinnati Herald newspaper to create Herald Beauty. A beauty hub for minority women. She serves as the Chief Creative Beauty Consultant. In 2022, Morgan launched her self-titled talk show, The Morgan Angelique Show: a talk show focused on beauty, fashion and lifestyle aimed towards an often underserved and overlooked audience. The Morgan Angelique Show will not only inspire viewers but educate them in the fields of (but not limited to): beauty, fashion, health/wellness, financial literacy, and more.

FWM: You are a well-known Power Influencer. Share your background.
Every business I started came from a personal and community need. I launched my fitness company, Curvy Cardio to help other women and young girls who needed to love themselves from the inside out through fitness. My second business, Professional Pretty came about because I wanted other Black Women Entrepreneurs to have the same access to resources for their business like I had in the corporate world. From there I wrote my book, “Finding My Sparkle”, launched my beauty/lifestyle blog, “Professional Pretty”, founded the Beauty section, “Herald Beauty” in the Black owned newspaper The Cincinnati Herald and launched my own talk show, “The Morgan Angelique Show.” Each business I’ve launched is deeply rooted in wanting to be the voice of an often underserved and overlooked demographic, black women.

Tell us about “Professional Pretty.”
Professional Pretty is my trademark phrase. I started it to encourage Women to be their authentic self in both the corporate and entrepreneurial world. When I started my corporate I noticed that Women, especially Black Women would have to “tone” down their authentic selves to be taken seriously. I wanted to change this stigma and hesitation. I launched “Professional Pretty” as a way to help women be their authentic selves and embrace their inner beauty. We can still rock a bright shade of lipstick and get the job done and do it well! Professional Pretty has taken off in the form of my blog and a yearly Women’s conference.

FWM: What will people notice when working with you?
My strong work ethic. I am very proud of my work, so everything that I do – I make sure it is at the top level. I often overthink things too much when I submit work or throw an event. The outcome turned out great but I was very anxious. I was taught that you have to have a strong work ethic, that makes you and your character stand out. I also LOVE what I do. People will pick up that vibe that I am totally emotionally invested and passionate in the work that I do!
Tell us about the importance of your book, “Finding My Sparkle.”
I’ve struggled with weight all my life, like most Women. I got tired of others telling me my story, so I decided to write it. I was becoming a successful entrepreneur and a lot of people “assumed” I didn’t have struggles of my own that they could relate to, that wasn’t the case at all. “Finding My Sparkle” tells the journey of me finding my “self- love” which is your sparkle. It was extremely important to me to tell not only grown women but young girls that oftentimes we have to love ourselves before we are going to be successful at anything.

FWM: What is next for you?
I plan on continuing to operate in excellence and push my message that if you love yourself, nothing is impossible. Stay tuned 🙂